Bad Ending

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Sometimes there are no happy endings. Although we love to sit at the end of a movie and feel our hearts grow bigger at the final kiss, we unfortunately can't sit at the end of our lives and relish in the love. What comes after we die, I couldn't say. What comes after heartbreak, though, I know for sure. And it's not some fairytale ending with a kiss and a hug and a sweet lullaby you have stuck in your head for weeks. It's grim, harrowing, leaving you stuck in your room because your life feels like it's already ended. This isn't a video game either, you can't restart and pick a different ending. This is permanent. This stays the way it is until you die. No do-overs.

I wish I had known what me and him had would have a Bad Ending. Maybe then I would've chosen the path that would lead me someplace happier. Maybe sitting at the end of the movie with tears in my eyes because it was just so beautiful.  Instead, I stand in the rain in the evenings on my way home from work because I've forgotten my umbrella again and there are many restless nights where I drink my self into worsining depression. It feels as though I'll be in a state of misery until I'm six feet under his feet.

Let me tell you the beginning, on the way to the end I'll tell you my wrong decisions. That's the only way we'll get the end. My Bad End.




"Hey Kacchan," Izuku whispered, a nervous tone in his voice and a pink color dusting his cheeks.

Katsuki looked over his shoulder at the boy sitting behind him, "hm?" he hummed, disturbed from taking his notes that he would have to study later.

Izuku swallowed hard, glancing away from Katsuki's gaze for a second before saying even quieter, "can I talk to you later? Maybe after dinner?"

Katsuki sighed and turned back around, Izuku waited for a few seconds, still leaning over his desk in anticipation. But when it was clear Katsuki had no intention of answering he sighed and slumped back into his seat. He continued watching the back of Katsuki's head instead of the teacher. He had no interest in taking notes today, he basically already knew what they were learning. Plus, Katsuki was being super distracting with his head full of blonde locks and broad shoulders that slumped every once and awhile when he realized he was sitting up right. He hated good posture because it made his back hurt and he preferred being closer to what he was writing anyways.

Izuku slumped over in his seat and with an embarrassed whine, so quiet he barely heard himself, closed his eyes and prayed the bell would come soon so he could get out of there and into his dorm room where he could scream into his pillow and roll around his floor. Never in his life had he been so embarrassed in front of the great Lord Exsplosion Murder.



Izuku woke up the second the bell rung, his head shooting up as he was greeted by the torso of his teacher. His arms were crossed, that meant only one thing. Izuku looked up and met his fuming eyes, smiling nervously and quickly sitting up, not realizing his hair was a mess and his eyes were droopy.

"Lunch detention tommorow."

Izuku found this thoroughly unfair, opening his mouth to protest when Aizawa held up a hand as he turned and started walking away. He huffed out a breath and slumped back against his seat. Katsuki was still sitting at his desk, turned around and smirking at him. A teasing kind of smirk, dare he say even playful. Izuku smiled back and Katsuki shook his head, turning around and grabbing his bag, standing up and heading down the aisle of desks. Izuku quickly followed suit and rushed down the aisle, almost tripping over his own heavy legs. He made it to Katsuki's side and smiled brightly at the boy who still hadn't looked at him.

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