To Whom it May Concern,

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(if you listen to music while reading, I recommend River by Leon Bridges on repeat because it's the song I listened to while writing this and re-reading it with any other song just doesn't hit right.)

"To whoever it may concern,

Please accept this letter as an alternative for my will. Though I have nothing but all my action figures to give, I'd like to say the things I never got to while I was living. I'm not able to write personal letters except to one person due to limited time. This isn't favoritism, I just have things I'd like to say that even after death I'd be too scared to share. I'll say everything I need to everyone else in this one so there really isn't any need for personal letters anyways. So, let me get started.

I'd like to thank everyone who brought me here. My parents, my friends and my mentors have all made me realize things I never could've realized on my own. You all made me stronger and made me realize I can't always do everything on my own. You made me realize my weaknesses and how to twist them so they help me in the end. Some of you have helped me realize feelings that ran deeper than anger and happiness and helped me work on sorting through it all. For this I have to thank you. I wouldn't have ever come this far without you all. I would've rotted in some support class or something. So thank you, for never giving up on me even when it apperead I'd given up on you.

To my parents, I'd like to apologize how ungrateful I've been. You raised me to be the best I could be and I still turned into the worst. I was a brat and never appreciated the sacrifices you made for me. Though I didn't have the time to grow into a mature adult that saw you for you instead of a bitchy mom and embarrassing dad, know that I loved you even when you smacked the back of my head and kissed my cheek goodbye at school. I love you a whole lot more than I was able to show, you raised me into the man I should've been and will be in passing. I thank you for your time and dedication to me, I would've made it to number one just to show you how much it means to me. I love you, I always have and I wish I could've stayed longer to express how much the work you put into me means. Also thanks for all the allowance that I gave away like candy, I'm sure Izuku appreciates it too, if his All Might figures say anything.

To my class, fuck you. Fuck you for never smacking me across the face and telling me to get my act together. We were supposed to be there for each other and you really let me down.

No, not really. Thank you. You guys are the only reason I was still in UA. You defended me when I did dumb shit and fought back the idiots even I couldn't face. You stood by my side even though I don't think I really deserved it. You showed me support in all my breakdowns and downfalls and that's all I could really ever ask for. You made me realize a whole lot about myself and honestly I could've lived not knowing it but I guess I was okay knowing my mistakes and how to fix them, though I hardly put in any effort to fix it. You started to change me for the better and though I know I could've gotten so much better and achieved so much with you guys, I'm content with where I ended up. You were shaping me to be the perfect man I always wanted to be, even when all you saw was a teenage dirtbag. I'll never be able to thank you enough for doing that for me. I can't take any credit because what you did fixed my life and if I had lived everything would've been perfect for me. But now that I'm gone, you guys will focus more on yourselfs and you'll reach the goals I couldn't. I need you all to reach your own number one and help each other along the way. You all did so much for me, I hope you can continue doing that for yourselves.

To my teachers and other strong adult figures in my life, you were the cherry on top. You began putting on the finishing touches and though you'll never be able to sprinkle on those last few adjustments, what you did made me better. You made me look at myself from a different perspective and realize all my wrong and right doings, you praised me when I did something good and corrected me when I did something bad. Though in my dumb teenage brain I had a hard time seeing you for strong role models in my life, after some time to think I think you were the ones who really grabbed my shoulders and turned me. You gave me support when I was struggling and took it away when I was shining. I couldn't ask for better role models in my life because you guys really helped me when nobody else could. I would critique a few things though, like maybe Aizawa, stop being such an ass and maybe you'll be able to say you had a full graduating class. Not talking about deaths, just don't expel so many kids, a suspension would do. Or Endeavour, I'm glad to see an old man changing his ways, but don't worry too much about what to do going forward when you haven't fixed the past yet. Not necessarily the past, but what the past did to people around you. Shit I hope that old farts still around so this whole will reading thing isn't super awkward. Anyways, you old people get what I'm saying, keep being great role models because if what you're doing helped me it'll help a whole lot more kids who haven't found themselves yet.

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