My Cousin's Magic Trick

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"Now Mike please take good care of your cousin for us alright? We'll be back in a week," your mom said to your cousin Mike.

"No worries! I'll take good care of my cousin while your away! " said Mike with a smile on his face as your parents closed the door.

You wanted to go on the trip with your parents, but they wanted to go on a trip by themselves this time, so you had to stay home. Your parents didn't want you to be alone, so they called your cousin Mike to come and stay with you. Mike is three years older than you, tall, very muscular, but overall very nice to you and everyone who meets him. You on the other hand were much shorter than Mike and a bit skinny, but you didn't mind having him around.

Shortly after your parents left the house, you and Mike start chatting about various things. From family life, to how you were doing in school, and lots of other stuff that sounded cool to talk about. As you two were talking, Mike remembered something he wanted to show you.

"Hey! I just remembered something cool I learned!" said Mike excitedly.

You were a bit curious so you asked, "What did you learn?".

"I learned this very interesting magic trick. It took some time to master it, but I can show it to you if you like", Mike answered.

'A magic trick?' You thought to yourself. 'Well...since he's here, I guess I can see what the trick is'. "Alrighty, let's see this trick Mike".

"You need to stand up first for me", said Mike as you quickly stand up.

Mike then walked over to you and took a deep breath before starting the trick. He then lifted a finger, tapped your head four times, then took a step back from you. You looked at your head then waited for something to happen, but nothing did.

'That's it? Touching my head? Anything else?' you thought to yourself as you looked at Mike in disappointment.

But then you feel a bit strange. It felt like your body was growing and changing. You quickly look at yourself and notice your getting taller and your body started to form muscles. Your eyes widen in shock as you grew more and more infront of Mike who was smiling while watching you grow.

'No way! This can't be happening! I'm growing bigger. What magic trick is this!?!' you thought as you were still growing.

You closed your eyes as you were still growing, you were worried about your clothes ripping apart. But as you grew, they adjusted to your new body at the same rate. You kept growing until you the strange feeling you felt earlier disappear, but you were too scared to open your eyes.

"It's ok now cousin. You can open your eyes to see your new body", said Mike.

You slowly opened your eyes to find that your now tall as Mike, then you look down to see that your not skinny anymore, but very muscular. You look all around your body amazed seeing all the changes on you. You lift your shirt and was shocked to see that you have abs now.

"Oh My Goodness! I have abs! Wow!" you said before asking Mike, "How did you learn this magic trick Mike? Because this is so cool!".

Mike chuckled a little as you looked at him.

"Well, about a year ago me and my parents went to an antique store one day, and while I looked through the books they had, I spotted a old book that was filled with magic tricks and spells. My parents bought the book for me and as I looked through it I saw a magic body growth trick. I tried practicing the trick but it didn't work until I did it on myself one day and then I grew into the body I have now," said Mike.

You were surprised to hear that Mike found the trick in an old book and did the trick on himself. But then you got worried about a few things.

"Uh...Mike? Is this reversible? What will my parents think seeing me like this?" you quickly ask.

"Don't worry cousin, it's reversible if you want to turn back. Also, both my parents and your parents know about the magic trick, so you should be ok when they see you like this", replied Mike.

You sighed in relief knowing that you could return to normal. On the other hand it's very cool to be taller and muscular now. All kinds of thoughts ran through your mind as you pondered staying muscular or returning to your normal size.

"I think I'll stay like this Mike. I've never felt so strong and tall in my life!" you said happily with a smile on your face.

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