Magic Water

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Trevor was hot and thirsty, the summer heat was hard to handle. He quickly rode his bike to the nearest convenience store to buy a nice cold drink. Once he arrived, he walked inside and headed to the refrigerated drink section. But to his horror, they were all empty. Apparently everyone had the same idea as Trevor. He quickly looked at every shelf to see if there was anything cold left to drink. He also looked way in the back, but he couldn't find anything there either.

'Maybe I could get something from the soda fountain,' Trevor thought to himself.

When he walked over to the soda fountain, in had a sign on it that said 'Out of Order'. Trevor let out a sigh and sat down by the refrigerated area. As he leaned his head against the wall he spotted a bottle of water that was on a bottom shelf way in the back. Trevor quickly opened the door and reached for the bottle and grabbed it. When he pulled it out, the bottle's label said 'Magic Water! Drink and feel the magic!'. Trevor didn't know what to make of it, but he decided to buy the bottle of Magic Water anyway.

Once Trevor biked home he quickly ran inside, turned on a fan in the living room and sat down on the couch to try to cool down. He then looked at the bottle of Magic Water and decided to have a few sips. Ah, it was so refreshing, especially on a hot day like this. Trevor kept drinking the water until it there was nothing left. Once he was done, Trevor spotted a family photo of him, his older brother Liam, and their parents. Liam was very tall and muscular, whereas Trevor was short and a bit chubby. Looking at the photo made Trevor feel a bit sad and a tiny bit jealous of his older brother.

"I wish I could be like you Liam. Tall and muscular. I would really like that," Trevor said to himself.

Trevor then decided to take a quick nap, as he was still tired from riding his bike in the heat. So he laid down on the couch, closed his eyes, and fell asleep. About an half hour later, Trevor woke up from his nap and felt very strange. He felt much better than he did earlier, but his body felt weird. He looked down to see that his legs were much longer and his body seemed bigger too. Trevor also noticed that his shirt had ripped apart in a few areas, so he quickly go up and walked over to the mirror that hung in the hallway and was shocked seeing his reflection.

"What the!?! What happened to me!?!" Trevor said out loud looking at his reflection in the mirror.

Trevor was now very tall, muscular, and quite handsome. No longer was he short or cubby, he was like his brother now. Trevor started pinching his now muscular arm to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"T-this is r-real!! Oh my goodness, this is real!" Trevor said with a smile on his face.

Trevor then started doing various poses in the mirror until his shirt fully ripped apart which revealed his new set of abs. But then strange thought came into Trevor's mind.

'Wait... Did the Magic Water do this to me? *Gasp* How do I explain my new body to my family,' Trevor thought to himself.

"I'm home!" yelled a young male's voice as he opened and closed the front door.

Trevor's brother Liam suddenly arrived which made Trevor scared and worried about what his brother would think seeing him like this. So Trevor took a deep breath and walked over to his brother who was busy putting stuff away in the kitchen.

"Uh... Hey bro!" Trevor said nervously.

"Hey Trev! What's up?" Liam asked Trevor.

"Well something strange happened to me earlier, so please don't freak out when you look at me," said Trevor.

Liam then turned around to look at Trevor who had a nervous look on his face and walked over to him.

"Bro! You ripped another shirt again! And it's one of your favorite ones too! You need to be more careful when you exercise like that, your tight shirts don't handle those workouts too well," said Liam as he examined Trevor's ripped shirt.

Trevor was shocked by what his brother just said. What did he mean by another ripped shirt and workouts? He was acting like Trevor was already like this.

"You might want to get another shirt on before mom comes home. She would go nuts seeing how much bigger you've gotten recently," Liam said before going to his room.

"Uh, ok!" Trevor quickly said as he quickly ran to his room to get a new shirt.

Once Trevor had a new shirt on, he saw that the family photo had changed. It now showed him in his new muscular body standing next to Liam. Somehow reality had changed after Trevor drank the Magic Water.

'How did the Magic Water change me and reality? Does it really have magical properties?' Trevor thought to himself.

Trevor then looked around the house trying to find where the Magic Water bottle was, but it had magically disappeared.

"I guess it does," Trevor said to himself with a smile.

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