The Changing Room

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Derek was speed-walking around the mall hoping to find a good place to hide. His school bully Ralph and his two friends had spotted him and they were after him. Derek quickly entered one of the big stores and went to hide in one of the changing rooms.

"I hope they don't find me here. I wish they would leave me alone," Derek whispered to himself.

Then Derek spotted some clothes that were on the seat in the changing room he was in. There was a white and grey t-shirt, dark blue jeans with a belt and a pair of expensive looking black shoes. They were strangely folded up and placed together nicely as if someone left them like that on purpose.

'I guess I could try these on. They do look nice,' Derek thought to himself.

He slowly began taking off his clothes, apart from his socks and underwear, then he started putting on the nice clothes. Once he was finished he looked in the mirror.

"Hmm... These clothes are WAY to big for me. They look like they're for a much bigger person, like a tall and well-built person," Derek said quietly.

Suddenly, Derek felt a strange sensation in his feet and felt them growing. His feet kept growing until they nicely fit in the shoes. Derek quickly sat on the seat and took off one of the shoes and saw his foot was several inches longer now.

"What the?!?" Derek said shocked and confused.

He quickly put the shoe back on and the strange sensation came again, but this time in his legs. Derek watched in awe as his legs grew longer and felt more muscular. Derek then stood up and noticed he was taller and the jeans felt tighter but still comfortable.

"What the world is happening to me!?!" Derek said as the sensation returned but now in his upper body.

"Oh no! Not again!".

Derek felt his body slowly inflating like a balloon as the t-shirt was getting tighter on his body and his arms were getting muscular every second. But while that was happening, the sensation climbed up into Derek's head.

"Aahh!!" Derek whispered in pain.

He could feel his face slowly changing shape and felt his hair growing a smidge longer. This strange sensation didn't seem like it was going to end. Then suddenly, the sensation disappeared and Derek dropped to his hands and knees breathing heavily.

"Phew.... It's finally over. I thought that wouldn't end," said Derek.

Derek slowly stood up and noticed how his body felt different.

'My body feels weird,' Derek thought to himself.

He turned and looked at his reflection in the mirror and stared in amazement. He was now a much taller, muscular, handsome version of himself.

"How did this happen to me? Was it these clothes? Wait! Where are my clothes?".

Derek noticed that his clothes had somehow disappeared. He looked around the fitting room and they were nowhere to be found. The only things he found were his phone, wallet, and house key, which were somehow magically on the seat.

"Well... I guess I'm stuck like this now," Derek said as he put his things in his pockets.

Suddenly there were hard knocks on the changing room door.

"We know your in there Derek! Come on out now or we'll force the door open!".

It was Ralph and his friends, they found his hiding spot. Derek didn't say anything as he was unsure what to do. But he decided to open the door anyway. He took a deep breath then opened the door, only to see Ralph and his friends staring at him with fear in their eyes.

"S-sorry sir! W-we thought that someone we knew was in this changing room!" Ralph said in a scared voice.

Derek was surprised by this, they didn't recognize him. But then, Derek had an idea.

"It's alright, but I know who you were looking for and he told me you bully him. And I don't like people who bully others," Derek said in a deep voice.

This made Ralph and his friends even more scared and they quickly ran away, which made Derek smile.

"He he. That was fun. I think it's time for me to go home and show off my new clothes," said Derek as he looked at himself in the mirror one last time before leaving.

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