The shark

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Peter was lonely while walking down his favorite part of the beach. Peter has been an orphan since he was born and didn't have any friends. Even though he was 16, there were many days where he still wished to have at least one friend or be adopted by a family who would love and care for him. One thing that Peter loved was the beach, he would visit a "secret" beach that he discovered and casually walk on the sand while being close to the water. But today, his "secret" beach had an unexpected visitor. While Peter walked on the beach like he usually does, he spotted a dark shape wiggling in the distance. Peter couldn't tell what it was so he quickly ran to see it and to his shock it was a shark. The shark was stuck on the sand inches away from the water and it was trying to get back into the water. Without hesitation, Peter quickly got behind the shark and started to push it from behind. The shark noticed Peter and stopped wiggling and watched him and Peter noticed it staring back at him.

"Don't worry, I trying to help you back into the water." Peter said calmly to the shark which seemed to understand him.

Then after a series of pushes the shark was able to swim back into the deeper parts of the water. Peter watched as it swam away, then strangely stopped to stare at Peter for a moment then quickly swam away again. Seeing the shark stop to look at him, surprised Peter.

'Never seen a shark do that before,' Peter thought to himself before deciding to head back to his room at the orphanage.

A few day's later, Peter returned to his beach and found the spot where he helped the shark. He looked out at the ocean wondering how the shark he saved is doing. Suddenly in the distance there was a shark fin on the surface of the water, but weirdly the size of it didn't match how far it was. It was like the fin was really close to you but much farther away distance wise. Then the fin disappeared into the water, leaving Peter a bit confused.

'Have there been sharks with a fin that big? That can't be right,' Peter thought to himself.

But then the waves started to splash like crazy, making Peter back further away from the water in surprise.

'What is-,' Peter's thought's were interrupted when he noticed something big and gray just below the surface of the water.

Then, there was a humongous splash as something very big emerged from the water. The splash caused lots of water to reach where Peter was standing causing him to get soaked. 

"Oops! Sorry about that," said a young male voice that seemed a bit distant for some reason.

"No problem. It's happened to me befo-" Peter stopped talking as he looked up to see a very very tall grey haired teenager squatting in the water.

The teen was at least 15 feet tall which was definitely not normal, but he didn't look 100% human either. He had gills on both sides of his neck, grey smooth skin on the back of his entire body, and he had a shark fin on his back and a shark tail too. It was like he was half human and half shark, but much much taller than a normal human. Peter was too stunned at the sight of the being infront of him that he couldn't speak.

"You ok dude?" The hybrid boy asked Peter who snapped out of his stunned state.

"Uhh...who are you? And can I ask what are you?" Peter quickly asked the hybrid boy.

"Oh me?" said the hybrid boy as he pointed to himself. "My name is Marko. And as of what I am, well...I'm a humanoid shark being from a secret ocean world".

'A secret ocean world?' thought Peter 'Huh...I didn't think that could be a real thing'.

"And what is your name human?" Marko asked Peter.

"Oh! My name is Peter. Nice to meet you Marko," replied Peter as Marko gave a small smile.

"Do you know why I'm here Peter?" asked Marko.

Peter shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. 

"Well, I wanted to come say thank you for saving my life the other day! I thought I wouldn't be able to return home," said Marko.

"Wait, you were that shark I saved a few days ago!?!" said Peter in a shocked voice.

"Yep! That was me. My kind can turn into full versions of their sea creature forms by their own power or completely at random. And I became my shark form when I came to this beach and I couldn't reach the water nor change back. But luckily you were around and were able to save me!" said Marko happily.

Peter couldn't believe it!

"But why are you alone out here? Where is your family and friends?" Marko asked.

Peter looked down at the sand, and became sad.

"I don't have any friends or family. I'm actually a orphan," Peter said in a sad voice. "I come to this beach alot by myself to clear my thoughts and sometimes I wish for a friend or a family".

This broke Marko's heart hearing that Peter was lonely and had no family to take care of him. Then Marko had an idea!

"What if you come to my world and live with me and my family! Then you won't be alone anymore!" said Marko.

Peter quickly looked up at Marko in surprise. 

"Me? Live with you and your family?" said Peter as Marko nodded his head. "I would love too! But how can I live in your world? I can't breath under water!".

"I have a solution for that! I can turn you into one of our kind with magic," said Marko.

"You're kidding right?" said Peter.

"Nope! My kind can use magic for various things such as healing, building, and a few other things including turning humans into humanoid sea creature people," said Marko. 

"Ok, then. Umm...what do I need to do?" asked Peter.

"Just stand in the water with me, and I'll do the rest," replied Marko.

Peter slowly walked into the water and kept walking until the water was up to his belly, and Marko stood up and walked a few steps closer to him. Then Marko grabbed some water in his hands, then blew onto the water which turned from ocean blue to a light teal, and let the water drop onto Peter. Then, a teal cloud swirled around Peter and he began to grow taller, the back of his skin turned grey, and grew a tail, gills and a fin. Once he was at Marko's height the cloud disappeared and Peter began looking at himself all over.

"Woah!! So cool!" Peter said with excitement.

"Are you ready to have a new life with me and my family?" Marko asked Peter putting an arm on his shoulder.

Peter nodded excitedly and the two of them dived into the water and swam away to Marko's world. Once there, Marko introduced Peter to his family who welcomed Peter into the family with open arms. 

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