The Gaming Wish

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Lots of people at the university were envious of Wyatt. Wyatt was a smart student who also worked out at the university's gym which made him muscular and it caused many students to be envious of him but also shy to talk with him. Brett was one of these shy and envious students. Brett was also super smart, but he was the most shy out of all the students to try and talk to Wyatt.

One day while Brett was heading back to his apartment after finishing his classes, he accidently bumped into someone which caused him to drop some of the papers he had in his hand.

"Oh! I'm sorry, are you alright?" asked a kind male voice.

Brett looked up to see who the voice belonged to and to his surprise it was Wyatt. He wasn't expecting to bump into Wyatt.

"I-i-i'm okay..." Brett replied shyly.

"Here let me help you pick up your papers", said Wyatt as he helped Brett up.

As the two of them picked up the papers, Brett was still very nervous to speak to Wyatt. Once the papers were picked up, Brett was about to hurry home but stopped when Wyatt wanted to chat with him.

"Where were you going in such a hurry?" Wyatt asked.

"To m-my a-ap-apartment", replied Brett nervously.

"Can I come join you? I finished my workout a few minutes ago and have time to spare before I have to go home", said Wyatt.

Brett was shocked, Wyatt was willing to come to his apartment to hangout. He's never had anyone apart from his family come and visit him in his apartment.

"U-u-uhhh...s-sure?" said Brett.

"Cool! Oh...I forgot, my name is Wyatt. What is your name? asked Wyatt.

"I'm Brett", said Brett.

"Nice to meet you! Lead the way Brett!" said Wyatt.

Brett and Wyatt headed to Brett's apartment which was about 15 minutes away from the university. Once they arrived, Brett nervously opened his apartment door worried about what Wyatt might think of it. Both of them walked inside as Wyatt looked around the place.

"Wow this is a nice place, Brett!" said Wyatt.

"O-o-ohh..uh thank you, Wyatt," said Brett.

Wyatt looked around some more until he spotted a gaming setup by the tv. He walked a bit closer and saw some of the games Brett had on a shelf. His eyes then landed on a racing video game near the game controllers.

"No way! You like this game too?" asked Wyatt as he grabbed the game from the shelf.

Brett looked to see the game Wyatt was holding, and it was his favorite racing game.

"Yes...I do. It's my favorite video game to play," replied Brett.

"Can we play it?" Wyatt asked excitedly.

Brett nodded his head. They both sat down on the couch and turned on the racing game. They played for a while and both of them had fun. Then Wyatt had an idea pop up in his head.

"Hey Brett, how about we do a racing tournament. Who ever wins the most out of 5 races can get whatever they like. What do you say?" said Wyatt.

Brett was a bit unsure about it, but he agreed. Then the tournament started. Wyatt won the first two games because Brett was still a bit nervous about agreeing to the 'get whatever they like' bit but he still tried his best. Then the third and fourth races were won by Brett and the tournament was tied. In the final race it was extremely close, but Brett was able to win by a quick booster on the race track. Brett was surprised that he won the last race and the tournament.

"Alrighty Brett you won. What would you like since you won?" asked Wyatt as he put his controller down.

Brett was very unsure what to say, but then he looked at Wyatt's muscular build. He remembered his first time seeing Wyatt and wished he could be muscular like him.

"To be honest...I've wanted to have a muscular build like you Wyatt, ever since I first saw you," Brett said looking down timidly.

"Aww! No worries Brett! You can come workout with me and we can slowly.......Dude what's happening to you?!?" Wyatt said in a shocked voice.

"Huh??" said Brett as he looked down at his body and he was also surprised.

Brett's body was growing and muscles started forming on his arms and under his shirt. Brett quickly stood up and watched as his arms got bigger and his shirt became tighter. His shirt got so tight that the buttons flew off one by one. Wyatt was in shock seeing Brett's body change before his eyes. Then everything stopped, and Brett quickly went to his mirror to see his new muscled body. His eyes widened looking at himself and began touching his muscles.

"What just happened?" Brett asked confused.

"I don't know, but your as muscular as me now." said Wyatt.

Brett turned around to look at Wyatt and indeed he was just as muscular has him. Then Wyatt smiled making Brett a bit confused.

"You know Brett I've been wanting someone to workout with me at the gym. Would you like to be my workout buddy?" said Wyatt.

And of course Brett said yes.

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