Funeral for a Friend

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A Month Later a funeral was held at Gotham Divinity Church for Lucius his wife youngest son even Tiffany were there in deep grief

Alfred was there as heard of Lucius's sudden tragedy in Metropolis on the news

Alfred was there as heard of Lucius's sudden tragedy in Metropolis on the news

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He couldn't just let it slide given Fox and him were close as well

He stood by the coffin grief striction giving his years with Bruce before he feared for his life and burying him but instead it had to be Lucius

Sadden with his arms crossed he looked down at Lucius's framed picture

Alfred: I'm so sorry old friend. I let my guard down on everything. Abandoning Bruce nearly cost me him as well. And now this. But you don't have to worry Lucius I'm gonna take of your family as if they were my own. Just like I...took care of Bruce.

Soon enough Tiffany came by him with tears falling off her cheeks

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Soon enough Tiffany came by him with tears falling off her cheeks

Soon enough Tiffany came by him with tears falling off her cheeks

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Alfred: Tiffany I'm....I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

Tiffany: I just.....I can't believe he's gone. None this can't be possible. He was hardly home much. I can't even remember the last time he and I spent any time together. And now...he's really gone.

Alfred: I knew a boy like you once. I did everything in my power to help him through it.

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