Tiffany's discovery

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As the hour rolled Avesta was already at Bruce's penthouse and he showed her the file Waller tends to use Superman's DNA to build weapons and Avesta was just speechless 

Avesta: I can't believe she'd do this. All the years I worked for her I didn't think she do this. Or even keep this from me.

Bruce: She probably knew you wouldn't approve this

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Bruce: She probably knew you wouldn't approve this. Or even help her build it. You wouldn't wouldn't you?

 You wouldn't wouldn't you?

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Avesta: No. I'm not into making weapons that are as powerful enough to compromise innocent people. I join the Agency because....I wanted to make a difference. Like you. 

Bruce looked at her puzzled

Avesta: You'll think this is silly're why I wanted to make a difference. I looked up to you in college.  Hell when people thought you killed Harvey Dent I knew that wasn't true. No one believed me but I knew there was more to it than that.

Bruce: I didn't know you knew who I was.

Avesta raised here eyes in surprise 

Avesta raised here eyes in surprise 

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Avesta: Oh....I....guess I spoke too much. Waller told me cause....she use to tell me everything. 

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