Joker takes Martha and Avesta

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After Superman and Lois's talk at her hotel patio

Bruce makes his own weapons with the remaining Kryptonite 

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Bruce makes his own weapons with the remaining Kryptonite 

And thanks to Tiffany's high tech designs he was able to construct an iron bat suit to be strong enough to fight Superman 

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And thanks to Tiffany's high tech designs he was able to construct an iron bat suit to be strong enough to fight Superman 

And thanks to Tiffany's high tech designs he was able to construct an iron bat suit to be strong enough to fight Superman 

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Bruce was later in contact with Waller 

Bruce: I manged to retrieve the Kryptonite weaponized enough that should stun him enough to leave him vulnerable enough for you to take him.

Bruce: I manged to retrieve the Kryptonite weaponized enough that should stun him enough to leave him vulnerable enough for you to take him

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Waller: Excellent work Wayne. All you have to do is lure him to your location and stun him as much as possible till we arrive and we'll take it from here.

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