Mid Credit Scene

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We come to an Agency Facility where a prisoner was being escorted.....towards Waller herself 

towards Waller herself 

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And that inmate........

.....happen to be Selina Kyle 

happen to be Selina Kyle 

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Waller: Ms. Kyle. You look well.

Selina: You're late

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Selina: You're late.

Waller: I been busy

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Waller: I been busy. Your boyfriend broke off our deal.

Selina: Bruce is not my boyfriend. 

Waller: Right cause you did a job for Luthor. Stealing the data on the other beings for him and he dumped you. Sad. Well now....you're in our hands.

Selina: If you come to gloat then you're wasting my time. 

Waller: You have all the time in the world here. But I can gurenntee your freedom....if you and a handful of others can do a job for me.

if you and a handful of others can do a job for me

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Selina: Won't come cheap. 


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Waller: You'll be paid handsomely. If you can pull it off

Selina: Lady.....as a child I stole all my life. Under names and close calls. Untraceable. 

Waller: I think we're going to work well together Selina.

She smirks 

(.......Post Credit Next)

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