Bruce meets Clark

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We come to the Penthouse from TDK where Bruce Blake and Alfred discuss the event with Lex Luthor later this evening

We come to the Penthouse from TDK where Bruce Blake and Alfred discuss the event with Lex Luthor later this evening

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Blake: I still don't trust Waller Bruce. She's obviously using her to get what she wants.

Bruce: Waller's not our main problem John

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Bruce: Waller's not our main problem John. It's the Joker's dirty bomb. For now Waller's an asset. And Lex Luthor is our biggest lead.

Blake: There's a lot of rumors surrounding Luthor

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Blake: There's a lot of rumors surrounding Luthor. But weather he's dirty or not Batman and Robin can't make any moves on him.

Alfred: And they won't have to. Because Bruce Wayne was just invited to his event tonight. The word on your return to Gotham surely drew his interest.

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