Clark's visit to Gotham

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About an hour later Batman and Robin flew back to Gotham to the roof of the GCPD where two old friends reunited after two in a half years

About an hour later Batman and Robin flew back to Gotham to the roof of the GCPD where two old friends reunited after two in a half years

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Gordon: I'll  be God dammed. A part of me knew you were alive.

Batman: It's good to see you too Jim. It's been too long.

Gordon: After what you told me before that a hero could be anyone even a man who puts his coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know the world hadn't ended....I never stopped wearing this badge.

Batman: But? 

Gordon: Retirement has crossed my thoughts. There's just still some loose ends to tie up.

Batman: Then maybe I can help you tie them up. 

Gordon chuckled with Robin smiling behind Batman 

Gordon chuckled with Robin smiling behind Batman 

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But the moment was interrupted by Waller 

But the moment was interrupted by Waller 

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Waller: Well this is heart warming. I be moved if I wasn't a workaholic. 

Robin: The hell you want? 

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