Everything goes to hell part 1

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It was a normal morning. Decks got up early and made breakfast. He got Nina up and fed and dressed. I come out of our room and walk over to my husband and said " Be careful, come back alive Deckard". 

Deckard jump his arms around me and kiss me and said" I will, I promise I will always come back to you and little Dove". 

Nina walk in and hug her dad's legs and Deckard bent down and throw her in the air and back into his arms Decks said" Little Dove behave for your mum ok?" Nina nodded her head. And Decks gave her to me and said "Be good, I love you both".

After Deckard 's left the house. I drove Nina to the park; she played and loved the swig. I push her. Tho we loved our career but we love Nina more. I pushed the swig once more. I saw men in all black. They look out of place. I took my daughter, walked to the car, and put her in a car seat. I am the car. 

I drove back home and put on the armour alarm and took Nina inside.  Decks and I had a plan in place. I called " Cupcake want to bake cupcakes for when Daddy gets back". 

Nina walk in and I put her on her kid's stool and we started baking. After waiting for the cupcakes to bake. 

I sat down and Nina watch her favourite Super Why. She loved it. 

Nina spoke, " Mummy when is Daddy coming home?" 

I had her on my lap and said " After he is done with his mission with Uncle Brixton".

Nina said, " Mummy I want a sister". 

I just look at her. Decks and I were talking about having a kid in the family. 

I smiled and said, "Cupcake, Daddy and I will talk about late, ok?"

Nina smiled and I heard ding and she jump off my lap and went to the stove. Decks and I  had taught her never to touch the stove ever.  

I took the cupcakes out and Nina jump on the kid's stool, wanting to see them, Nina loves chocolate and Nina put strawberries and I said " My cupcake if you get all clean up and ready for dinner then you can have one". 

Nina smiled and jump off the stool and ran to get ready for dinner which meant, washing her hands and face and putting her toys away. 

I walk to my daughter's room to see what she was doing, my phone beeped, it was a friend who was looking at me on an organization that was coming to my place, and the text sent me into a panic. 

I had to get out of our house now. I grabbed the suitcase. Deckard and I did have a place in NYC, and we had things in it and so I went into a mode and I pack as much as I could. I made dinner which was het up and took my laptop and gun and pack them. 

I heard the armour alarm sensor make a noise. 

Nina who comes out of her room says" Mummy what going on"?

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