Everything go to Hell part 2

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Deckard's POV

Leaving my house was getting harder and harder. Nina my little dove was growing up and I was missing it and I wanted to be home so I was going to take a break from  MI6 so Nina can have me around. 

Brixton said, " Deckard you ok". 

I look at my friend who was my best man at my wedding. I nodded and said, " I miss my daughter, I am planning to take a break for MI6, maybe renew my vows and have another kid". 

Brixton smiled and said, " Come on Brother, let's do this". 

The mission went so far so well. I lend a small time one way and the other team followed Brixton. 

Bang Bang. As I heard and run right to them to see who was attacking them and when I arrived half of my team was dead. I didn't have any time to think so I took one of the guns. Just in case. 

Bang Bang. I turned around and run the other way and saw half of my team dead, one was breathing and I bent down and he look at me and said" Deckard, you have to run, he ..... has........ turned, save yourself and your wife ..... your daughter. "He closed his eye and he wasn't moving anymore.

" you should have joined us, Deckard Shaw". I turned around and point my gun at the person in the dark. 

The man step out of the light and said "You should have joined  Eteon Decks, after all, your wife would join and your little Dove won't die".

My anger grew, nobody called my daughter little dove but me and said " How are you". 

The man step out and said " Hi old friend". 

My eye wider " Brixton why"?

He smiled and  said" Humanity is a flaw, but Eteon they can fix it, Eteon 's view of the world is a bright future for Nina think about your child. 

I paled and said " Brixton, your metrics are off and one good reason you assume the worst in people, don't bring my child into this, if you hurt my daughter and wife, I will kill you. 

Brixton look down and said, "Then I am sorry Decks but then I have to kill you, don't worry I will take care of Elizabeth and Nina, I have been watching them". 

I said, " I won't let you touch my wife or daughter". 

Brixton smiled. I saw him pull his gun, he was always too slow and I pulled my gun out and we both shot at each other. 

We both landed on the ground and I got up, I had a wound, and I had to save my wife and child before it was too late. 

I run to find a ride. I had to get a room before Eteon gets to them first. Lucky for me, I found a helicopter and got in, my side was bleeding but I didn't care, I had to get there fast. 

Author note - Aww Deckard had plans to be there for Nina growing up. Um, Brixton wrong move then bud. 

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