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Deckard's POV

Nina was fast asleep on Liz. I smiled watching the scene. Our little girl was going up so fast. I took a picture of my whole world. I wanted to have another kid but I knew it would be hard on     Elizabeth, having Nina was really hard on her, she was in and out of the hospital. I never want to see her in pain. 

I heard my phone ring and pick up and say " Shaw". 

" Mrs. Shaw, I am so glad I reached you, I want to inform you that MI6 has gone rogue and I want to tell you you and your family will be listed as dead, you are safe to come back".

I could hear this in their voice and he was a co-worker, he was risking his life tell me to this. I said, "Thank you, Tommy, take care".  I looked up and Elizabeth was holding the little girl's sleep and I gave Elizabeth a look. 

Our friend inside sent us a plane and I drove the car and Elizabeth put Nina in the car seat and I got everything in the car and Liz looked at the place one more and I made my way to her and said "Love we will be back and held her hands and said " I love you Elizabeth Maria O'Conner Shaw". I smiled and said, " I love you, Deckard Shaw". 

 We got in the car and I droved off and Liz fell asleep and I smiled and we got to the landing pad and I woke Liz and She got Nina and we boarded the plane and Liz sent Nina down and joined me and said " Decks". I sent out an mm with my arm wrapped around her and Liz said "I want to have another baby". I looked at her and said, " Liz last time wasn't good, to say the least, and I don't want to see you in pain". I look at my wife, her pregnancy with Nina was life-threatening, I couldn't lose my everything and I won't. 

Liz looked at me and nodded and said "I can't wait to be home". I smiled at her and said "Same here. 

We landed and luckily Nina was asleep the whole time we met home and went straight to bed 

Author note - hi all sorry for being away so long, I had a lot of things going on. I was in the hospital and now home recovering from jaw surgery and boy it is not fun but don't worry I plan to update more. 

Also please keep streaming Shadow and Bone, also the is a petition up please sign it, if you want to give money then up to you I don't think you should, second there is Kickstarter so look for Save Six of Crows, share the petition, tell your friends or family, bug Netflix and write to Netflix or another streaming service. Be Nice to Netflix, and while writing be sure to include the original cast. many fans don't want a new cast the same cast. 

Liz and Deckard are thinking about baby 2- comment twins or a single baby. 

Hardest in Love - Deckard ShawWhere stories live. Discover now