Next steps

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Walking up safely in the arms of my husband was always my favourite thing in the world. I knew he was waking and looked at me and smiled as I open my eyes and he said "Good morning my darling". I smiled and said "Good morning my sexy husband. Deckard lend in and kiss me and we heard a voice 

"Daddy, your home". In running our little girl, she got on the bed thanks to a bench near the end of the bed. I look at my little girl, she look so much like her uncle, she had blond hair with a mine and Deckard's dark hair was in there too  and she club on Deck's chest he went out a groan and I pick her up and lay her next to Decks and said: "honey daddy isn't feeling well so you have to be easy on him ok?"

I could tell my daughter felt bad and said "I hurt Daddy". Deckard jumped in and said, "No honey you didn't, some bad men hurt Daddy but he will be ok".

Nina nodded and stay on the bed for a while and said "Mummy can we have pancakes". I turned to see Deckard smiling at me and I said "Yes I will make pancakes. 

Nina smiled and got down for the bed Decks look at me and said "Love you ok?" 

I weakly smiled and nodded but Decks didn't believe me and he moved to see if I had an injury or fever. He said, "Let me see, honey please". 

I did, he found a piece of glass in my side and Decks got to work taking it out and putting a bandage on the wound and said "Feeling better and tell me honestly". I said, "Not really, feel a little sour but I will live". Deckard didn't like that and said "How about you and Nina sit down while I will make pancakes? I nodded and did that, Nina loves pancakes and she loved watching Decks cook and Mine but she was her daddy's daughter so much. 

After breakfast was severed, Nina went to watch her favourite show and I turned to Decks and said " Decks we need to talk about the next steps, I mean first, your men turned on you and second they come to our house and try to kill you me and take Nina". 

Decks looked at me and said " I don't know what happened it was a normal mission till Brixton came in with a bunch of men and killed everything he took a deep breath and said "I had to kill him, my best friend, my brother in arms". I put my arms around him and said, "whatever happened you did what you had to come home to us, Decks whatever we do now, we need to much sure we come home to her and us". 

Decks took me in his arms and said " I never want this, I said no to Eteon and now they attack me and brought our child into this mission Liz". 

I look at him and said, " I know I said the same to them but we need to make sure that nobody hurt us like that again, and we need to Nina out of his life as much as possible for now, small steps and we need to do a few errands soon". 

Deck nodded and he took me in his arms and said " Together no matter what". 

I smiled and kissed his lips and said "Together no matter what". 

Author note -  Aww little Nina is so precious, I love Liz and Decks being honest with each other and talking about the next steps and they decided that they didn't want Nina to be involved in this mess. 

Also new Fast and Furious are now up and well new ones. So go check those out! 

Do you want to see a flashback chapter on how Liz and Brian had fallen out or on how she and Deckard met?

Hardest in Love - Deckard ShawWhere stories live. Discover now