Just perfect day

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I never thought his day would come, my little girl is turning 5. I never expected this even tho I knew she would be getting older, I wish it wasn't going fast. 

I rolled over in the bed and saw Decks wasn't there, I smiled knowing this was the treat he did with Nina which was cook. I smiled and got up and saw my two whole words, making waffles. I took out a camera and took a picture, of the two and Deckard looked up and saw my point to the camera and said " Nina look who it is". 

Nina looked up and said "Mummy". She ran near my legs and said "Sit". I smiled put the caramel down and sat and ate breakfast. 

The rest of the day we walk around and eat good food. We have a home outside of London and we were staying there. 

The day passed like a flash soon enough we put our little girl to bed and I read her a story and Nina said " Mummy I want a baby sister or brother like in the story, can we get one". 

I looked at her smiled and said "I will think about ok". 

I went on the balcony and sat there and Decks came out and smiled and set wine in front of me. I started up at the stars and said " Nina ask for a brother or sister". Decks looked at me and said, "Really we haven't spoken about more kids and last time was hard and I don't want to see that again ". I looked at him and it was true, my pregnancy with Nina wasn't easy, I was in and out of the hospital. It wasn't good pregnant by any means. I looked at Decks and I said "I know". 

Deckard took my hand in his and said "We can talk about it, but seeing you in pain was too hard. 

I nodded and said "Let's talk about but for now we can enjoy this time together. 

Deckard kissed my head and said, "I love you". 

Author note 

wow sorry, sorry for the long wait, I have been stressed and things happened in my life where I was running around and didn't have any time to update. I am sorry about that. 

I am going to take a break from writing Fast and Furious stories and focus on my Grishaverse ones etc. Mainly because I want this page to grow and not have just one thing. 

Also, Nina wants a sister or brother which one do you? Comment below, also would anyone like to see a plot shop and write an advice book? comment below. 

Hardest in Love - Deckard ShawWhere stories live. Discover now