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Elizabeth's POV

I love this house and was up early thinking about what Decks said. It was true that my last pregnancy wasn't easy, I was super sick and had to be in bed most days. It wasn't pretty.  I made eggs and bacon with tea with sugar. I don't really like coffee. 

Decks and Nina went out on a father-and-daughter date which was fun so I had the house to myself. After eating breakfast I went into the garden which I love to work on. I love the garden and it was nice and it provided me with a sense of calm and a sense to calm my mind. I knew Deckard would pick up food and all that stuff. The town near the house was calm and didn't care about former MI6 agents so my neighbours were nice and knew what happened since most of them were former agents themselves. 

I started my work on the garden it was going well. After a while, it started to rain. I loved the rain, I walked back into the house, and I didn't miss LA at all, I kept taps on Tej and Brian even tho the fallout happened. I started doing some housework in the kitchen and I heard the door open and heard a voice " Mummy we are home". I smiled and said "In the kitchen my angel"

Nina ran straight for me and I bent down and picked her up and said " Did you enjoy your day with Daddy?". Nina smiled and said "The best day ever, could we go on a mother-and-daughter date ?" I smiled and said, "Of course". Deckard made his way to the kitchen with bags in hand smiled and said "What I am cropped liver?" Nina said, "No I love you". 

I smiled and Deckard kissed me and I whispered to him " I know it is a risk to have another baby but I think we could and this time we have time to rest". Deckard smiled and said, " I was thinking about another child while watching our little girl". 

I looked up and he smiled and put Nina down and she ran to the reading nook and started reading a book. 

Deckard made dinner. I loved Deckard's cooking it was the best. Nina helps him make fresh pasta. which was just amazing. While I was cleaning up, Deckard read Nina to bed but not before I kissed her good night. 

Decks came down and said, "She is fast asleep". He made his way to me and kiss me and put his hand on my ass and pulled me closer and I put my legs around his and he passable kiss me and then a knock on the door. I groaned and said, "Who is that and why are they breaking up me and my husband trying to have sex like get a life". 

Decks laughed and took out and gun and another one and handed it to me.  we both loaded it. 

We walked to the door and Deckard nodded to me I pointed it at the door ready to shoot, Deckard opened the door and both of the guns were ready but two voices came to the thought 

" Really Decks I raised you better like that, now let me in it is cold out here". Another voice said, "Wow really decks and Liz would you kill your brother". 

I slowed the gun and said, " Owen, Magdalene how did you find us?".

Deckard looks at his brother and mother, but no Hattie

Magdalene said, "Well are you going to invite us in".

Author note - Sorry for the late update, but Deckard and Elizabeth are going to have another child. Now the school is starting back up soon, so updates will be slower to come out. Owen and Magdalene found Decks and Elizabeth. 

what you can expect to see 

1. Deckard tells Owen and Magdalene what happened 

2. Nina sees her grandma and uncle 

3. Elizabeth goes to see Hattie (drama)

Hardest in Love - Deckard ShawWhere stories live. Discover now