Chapter 6: Assumptions? and Secerts?

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Adrianna's Pov

I feel so bad for Kailey for what happened to her she is staying here for a while but I don't mind. I just don't want my dad to start what he used to do before I can't even tell my best friend...... but I will have to tell her when the time is right though. After that day of what happened to her I have noticed her and Chad have become closer I think there might be something between them..... I don't wanna assume anything before Kailey tells me but I don't know I just want her to get hurt. She is my best friend I take care of her and she does the same to me. I shiver at the memories flashing back of what happened I have to get it off my mind. I go upstairs to Kailey but stop at her door because I hear her talking to someone of the phone which is probably Chad I want to ease-drop but that would be wrong of me. I walk back down stairs and text Kailey.

A: hey I'm gonna go on a walk I may be back in an hour or hour and a half so yea if you hear my dad come out just stay in the room
K: oki have fun and that's for the advice
I read her text and walk out of the house having on earphone in and the other one listening in case someone decides to seek up on me. It's have an hour so I walk back but while walking back I feel something hit me hard against my head and I get knocked out.

??? Pov
I hit Adrianna hard against her head knocking her out. I smirked at her knocked out body and pick her up bridal style so it looks like she is my girlfriend and start walking back to the spot. "Poor you Adrianna you are gonna go through more nightmares" I say quietly and I smirk slightly. When we get there I just put her on the bed locking all the windows so she can't get out and the door.

Kailey's Pov
It has been about three or more hours and I'm getting worried Ada hasn't come back from her walk. So I called John to see if she is with him and he said no and he asked what happened to her. I obviously knew that he doesn't know but I explained that she went on a walk 3 or more hours ago and still hasn't come back and she said that she would be back by an hour or hour and a half. When he replied I was able to her the concern and worried ness for her, "do you have an idea of who did it?" He said a bit anger and a bit of worry and concern "nope sorry bud" I answer back sadly. I thought no more things would have happen to me or someone close to me..... but life doesn't happen the way you want it to happen because life isn't fair in many parts while you are growing up. "Well I'll see you in school night" I say a bit sadly "night" he answers hanging up. I cry a bit thinking I may never see her again. I fall asleep soon after.

Adrianna's Pov
I slowly wake up groaning in pain while putting my hand up to my head. My eyes start to adjust and I notice I'm not at home or even in my room so I start to panic and get a bit claustrophobic. I'm staring at the ground when I hear a familiar voice "hello Adrianna... Your nightmares will be worse this time than the last" he says. I immediately snap my head glaring at him I can't believe this had happened to me again..... Please I just want to die now to just not feel the pain of this anymore....

(A/N: hey it's Adrianna I don't know about this but I wanted to make it mysterious so yea)

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