Finally, my love

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It had been weeks, weeks of sleepless nights, sad and cold nights and Lan Zhan was still going strong. He had not stopped searching, he had barely slept, and he could feel that he was extremely tired but he still never stopped. He was still walking around an area that he was not quite familiar with, he has gone there a couple of times with his brother for night hunts. The forest was quite beautiful, with tall trees everywhere and flowers of various pastel colours sorounding the place, it almost seemed magical, like fairies could appear any moment. When Lan Zhan first came here, his first thought was bringing Wei Ying here, but he never got the chance...
As he started walking deeper in the forest, he started to feel weird, he could feel a weird feeling in his stomach. He didn't know what it was, was something wrong?

But as he looked around, everything made him feel like time had stopped, he had no idea why tho. He looked around and saw something, it was like a shadow, it was just staying there without moving but it looked like the shadow of a... Person? Lan Zhan walked over closer to see what it was and almost fainted when he saw that it was Wei Ying that was laying there. He immediately fell to the ground and took him in his arms. At first he was worried if he was still alive but when he felt him breathing he calmed down, he let himself relax. He had found him safe and sound, and to what he knew he seemed to be ok, and alive wich was incredible. He couldn't believe his eyes that he was seeing Wei Ying, holding him, it was all real. The older felt such relief that he had managed to really find the younger and alive at that, he had told himself not to get his hopes to high but he was so glad that he had not given up hope either.

When he got over the initial shock however, he started to get anxious, what was he going to do? He did remember that his brother told him to bring him back to Cloud recesses if he were to find him but then what would happen? Would Wei Ying even remember who he was? That thought scared him most, the younger not remembering him scared him but he knew that they would be able to overcome any challenges. He picked him up gently and he started walking back to his home, he would take him back to cloud recesses and hide him until it was safe for the younger to be out in the open. He knew a lot had happened but he always believed in Wei Ying's innocence and he still did. He knew Wei Ying and he would never hurt someone, he was the most caring person he had ever seen.

Days passed as Lan Zhan walked without stopping when he finally reached a place where he was sure it was safe to stop to take a break and make sure that Wei Ying is ok and to treat his injuries." Hello, i would like to have a room for the night". Said Lan Zhan as he entered the hut." Young Master Lan, of course i will have a room room for you immediately ". Said the owner, who signaled him to follow him as he walked to one of the rooms that happened to be free that day. Once the room was clear and he and Wei Ying were the only ones in the room, he layed the younger was n the bed and took off his outerwear to take a look at his injuries. Je healed them and put his clothes on so that he isn't cold and layed him in a comfortable position and put the blankets over him to warm him. After he made sure that Wei Ying was alright, he finally let his exhaustion take over him and layed down as well next to Wei Ying and immediately after that he fell asleep.

When Lan Zhan woke up, wich didn't really take long considering that he was anxious about the boy laying next to him. He decided that it was best if he took off now while it was still early in the morning, he knew that nobody would be  awake for at least another couple of hours so he took Wei Ying in his arms once again and after cleaning the room left. He walked faster than before, he knew that if he walked faster that he would be able to reach cloud recesses before anyone woke up. He was grateful that he was able to sleep a little but he was still exhausted and he felt like he would pass out the moment he knew it was 100% safe for Wei Ying. And it didn't help that it had been days since he ate or drank anything, but he knew that if he hadn't done all those things he probably wouldn't have found Wei Ying when he did and he was relieved that he never stopped, he would do it a thousand times again if it meant keeping the younger boy safe.

After walking for some hours hours, he was infront of the gates that lead to his home, cloud recesses as he had predicted but before he entered, he made sure that there really was no one around and that everybody was still asleep. After making sure that he and Wei Ying were the only ones there, he walked to his room as fast as he could as je knew that if he didn't move fast someone would see him because it was almost time for others to start waking up after all. Once safe behind his doors, he layed Wei Ying on his bed and took another look at his injuries, wich now that he looked at closer, he was a little surprised that there were no serious injuries, but of course he was also glad that he wasn't seriously hurt. He decided that he could sleep for a little before going to see his brother about what they were going to do, so he layed down next to the boy and let his fatigue take over him as he fell asleep

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