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Unsurprisingly, this universe was all but similar to her old one. It's been nine years of making wrong turns down streets with odd names that were right once upon a time. Her favorite restaurants were either no longer in business or never existed to begin with. And nine years passed since the very first time she's woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, nearly forgetting the scary reality she lived in.

She used to have no problem focusing on anything. Now, she'd start daydreaming with a distraction as small as a slight off movement from one of her peers sitting in the desks surrounding her.

Kind of like now...


She jumped in her chair at the loud voice from the woman stood before her, the girl holding a hand to her heart as she met the eyes of Shaylene Bennett. Her supervisor.

"What are you doing?" Shaylene gestured to Liz's mess of a desk after not spotting the copies she asked for twenty minutes ago.

Liz trailed her eyes over the utter madness from the array of random papers to the multiple cups of left over coffee all scattered about. Another thing taking a hit was her organization habits. "Oh, I was...I was just getting to making those copies for you. You know how long that line-"

"There hasn't been a single soul waiting to use that copier for the past three hours." Shaylene cut her off, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Right, sorry..." Liz tried to subtly search for the original paper she misplaced, the same one she was supposed to make copies of. "I just got distracted."

"Well, make it quick, please. I needed those copies yesterday." Shaylene's stern voice and demanding eyes stayed locked on Liz for an uncomfortable few extra seconds before she was in path back to her office.

Some may say Shaylene Bennett was a nightmare to work for, but Liz didn't mind the strict instructions and at times, fowl attitude towards her. She's worked for worse.

Liz scavenged her desk for the paper, finally finding it and hurried to the copier with a breath of relief.

At twenty-seven, Liz wasn't exactly expecting to be a secretary, much less a secretary for a woman whose job she dreamed of.

Whoever the bastard was that controlled the multiverse must've had it out for Liz. Given the fact she had no identity for the first eighteen years of her life on file, she was a mystery to put it lightly.

In this liking, all the years of hard work she put into readying herself for Berkeley, was out the window. She didn't even have a high school diploma anymore. Which made getting the job she has now, very, very difficult.

She worked for Stark Industries, this big industrial technology company, which she supposed was the equivalent to Oscorp.

Tony Stark, -may he rest in peace- was the C.E.O of Stark Industries before he passed not too long ago. Liz had met him a couple times through Peter.

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