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"The Goblin..." Peter muttered, chest rising and falling with an unsteadiness that wasn't there before. It'd be a lot more mind-settling if May and Liz weren't there.

He looked over to them as Liz stepped in front of May protectively, slowly leading her backwards into the other room going undetected by Osborn.

"'No more darker half'? Did you really think that I'd let that happen?" Osborn's voice left an unsettling feeling in Liz's stomach, the woman making sure her and May were completely hidden by the walls before she moved anymore. "That I'd let you take away my power just because you're blind to what true power can bring you?"

"You don't know me." Liz barely heard Peter as her and May were frantic yet cautious in their quick gathering of all the antidotes strewn about the room.

"Don't I?"

They stuffed them all in a bag, Liz throwing it over her shoulder before both women slowly stepped out of the room.

"I saw how she trapped you, fighting her holy moral mission." Osborn said, sinister smile only adding to the terror of what could possibly come of this.

     "We don't need you to save us. We don't need to be fixed!" Osborn's gaze trailed over the group of men, landing on Max as the drainer on his chest signaled it was nearing its completion. "They're not curses. They're gifts."

     "Norman, no." Octavius spoke quietly, shaking his head in dismay.

     "Quiet, lapdog." Osborn dismissed his words swiftly.

     "You don't know what you're talking about." Peter insisted, eyes narrowing at him.

     "I've watched you from deep behind Norman's cowardly eyes. Struggling to have everything you want while the world tries to make you choose."

Liz looked over at Max as he stared down at the drainer, eyes lifting as it dinged again. She could tell he wasn't only considering Osborn's words in skepticism, but he believed them.

     "Gods don't have to choose." Osborn snickered, the sound fading and his lips fell into a frown. "We take."

     "May, Liz, run." Peter rushed out, the women quick to listen and were running towards the door without looking back. Not even when they were certain all hell broke loose at the sound of glass breaking.

They rushed to the elevator, May hastily pressing the button over and over, manifesting it to open quicker.

The lights all around them flickered on and off, Liz knowing full well it must have something to do with Max as May elbowed the button as if that'd make it go faster.

"Come on, the stairs are safer." Liz grabbed May's hand and lead her down the hall where she knew the staircase to be.

Their adrenaline induced breathing and quick footsteps hitting the cement steps were all that could be heard in the stairwell, the lights still flickering around them as they ran.

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