Chapter 4

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Just keep going. I thought wearily, my loud pants filling the air around me as I moved forward.

The sun was out today, and was actively burning my skin with its vicious heat. Even though the breeze cooled me down easily, I still needed to be under a shade soon.

Or at least before I passed out anyways.

I kept going still, mostly because the coach always gave me a perfect score for my participation during gym. I needed the highest credits in any subject I could get so I could maintain my GPA.

Which meant I got to keep my scholarship.

I had no idea why the coach had taken an interest in me, encouraging me to try out for different sports that I had no idea how to play. I supposed it was because of my physique. Even though I believed I was quite scrawny looking, I had thick muscle thighs purely due to genetics.

I also had a quick metabolism, so I guess it made me look a lot more athletic than I really was.

"Why the hell are we jogging by two o'clock in the afternoon? Is this legal?" A familiar voice questioned beside me.

I jumped in surprise, but quickly recovered once I turned and saw who it was.

Tess had a sly smile on her face, like she had guessed what I was thinking and it turned out that she was right.

"Honestly, I don't think it is. Because they are trying to kill me." I mumbled in reply and slowed down to catch my breath. Tess stopped beside me, resting on her knees as she gulped in air through her mouth. I chuckled at her before I sipped some water from the small water bottle tucked into my pocket.

I offered Tess some of it and she drank gladly, splashing some on her flushed face.

"I saw my lover today. She smiled at me from across the field and I nearly died." She whispered, biting her lip when I laughed. "What is it?"

"You still haven't told me who this girl is. I'm starting to believe you made her up."

Tess gasped like I said the most atrocious thing in the world, establishing her title as the world's most dramatic person. "Take that back! Of course, she is real."

I shrugged. "Prove it."

Her mouth hung open as she looked across the field to the main school building. "Fine. Come with me."

Then she started running across the field. I groaned as she walked behind her briskly, already picturing the coach's angry gaze once he spotted us. We reached the other side and Tess pulled me closer.

"Find the girl wearing the black crop top."

That wouldn't be too hard. I thought as I observed the space. There were few people standing around us, so I didn't have any problem glancing at their outfits.

I gave the students around us another careful scan before I turned back to her. "Tess? The only girl here is Kat."

Tess glanced at me, biting her bottom lip before she nodded.

"No," I said firmly, shaking my head. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm showing you my crush. What's wrong? Isn't she pretty?"

I ran my hand through my hair exasperatedly. "Do you know anything about Kat?"

"What am I supposed to know?" She asked, her tone filled with concern. "She is straight, isn't she?"

"Her sexuality should be the least of your concern considering she is a freaking terrible person."

"What do you even know about her? Just tell me!" Tess asked with a pout and I rolled my eyes.

To Whom It May ConcernWhere stories live. Discover now