Chapter 7 part two

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I reached the school in less than ten minutes, panting slightly as I stood by the gate. I pulled off my hoodie and pants, folding them into a neat pile and hiding them behind a shrub.

I had just stood to my feet when I heard a sharp whistling sound. I turned towards the direction it came from, my eyes widening when a figure waved back from behind a tree.

The person poked his head out and threw me a familiar smile.

I jogged over quickly, my heart racing as I joined Collins.

"Hey, you made it." He said excitedly. It was contagious and I was smiling before I knew it. "Come on, we have to join the others. They already left but I'm sure they haven't gotten very far."

He faced his phone, his eyes scrunched as he typed something up.

"Uh, Collins?" He turned to me. "Club Barcelona is nearly three kilometers away. How are we going to get there?" I asked nervously.

"Oh, my car is parked a little further down the road. I never drive into the boarding house when I know we are raving through the night. It's such a buzzkill to walk, don't you think?"

I didn't respond when I realized that I walked everywhere.

Collins and I were clearly from different worlds; so I didn't have to point them out anyway.

We walked to his car; a black Rolls Royce that glistened under the moonlight.

Whoa, I'm sure this car is worth more than my entire family. I thought as I stepped into the passenger's seat carefully, trying not to mess up the place with my presence.

Collins must have noticed me being weird because he chuckled lowly. "Hey, relax. It's just a car. If it makes things better, it's not mine. My uncle bought it and realized he didn't like it so much, so he gave it to me."

I clamped my lips shut.

Collins, that makes things so much worse.

How rich are you that your Uncle just gives you a Rolls Royce, for Christ's sake?

The car was quiet as we drove into the night, the air completely silent save for the gentle lull of the music that came from the car's speakers.

We reached the club quickly, the whole street alight with the lights that streamed from the place.

Collins handed the keys over to the valet as we stepped out of the car and approached the entrance of the club. The pounding music echoed in my ears even though we weren't inside yet.

Collins was stopped by a bouncer, who asked for his ID card.

He laughed loudly. "Come on man, you can't insult me on a night like this. The club is barely full."

The bouncer didn't say anything, simply staring at Collins with his burly arms crossed over his chest as he waited.

Collins sighed before he slipped his hand into his pocket and showed him a rectangular card.

The bouncer waved him in, his eyes meeting mine briefly as we walked in. The club was in full motion, colorful lights dancing side by side with the dancers on the pole. We stopped by the bar and I watched Collins as he called the bartender over to order some drinks.

I tugged Collins' arm shyly. "Why did he let you in? What did you show him?"

The music was loud, stuffing my ears so much that I couldn't even hear myself speak. Collins' eyebrows furrowed but he didn't respond; simply passing me the card he had shown the man.

On the card was a picture of a man that was certainly not Collins, even though there was some resemblance between them. The man on the card was much older, his lips set in a straight line where Collins would have been parted as he smiled.

To Whom It May ConcernWhere stories live. Discover now