Chapter 20

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"WEE-ow-WEE-ow!" I heard the school's emergency siren wail out in the early hours of the morning.

What could be so urgent that they assembled us so early? I thought to myself as I rubbed my eyes and looked over at Collins who still lay peacefully. Suddenly our hallway speakers burst with announcements coated in panic, "EVERYONE MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE HALL, NOW!" I climbed out of bed and forced Collins up before running off to brush. Doors began to get knocked on and the corridors became flooded with whispers. That was not surprising. Everyone needed to know what could have gone wrong. Collins and I made our way out of the room and in the same direction as the others. This was my first time seeing the hallway that clamped up.

The school hall was getting filled up faster and our school principal, as well as a few board members, stood before the hall in a frenzy. They looked uncomfortable, bothered, uneasy and I could tell whatever they were about to break to us was something serious.

By the time the noise in the hall quieted, indicating everyone had sat down, our principal sighed into the microphone.

"We may have to shut the school down if things get out of hand," our principal suddenly said which caused murmurs to erupt around the hall.

Not until the hall returned to utter silence, you could hear a pin drop, did our principal continue the address.

"It may appear that we have a serial killer on the loose. I want everyone to work with us. If you notice any strange behaviors, sudden changes, or movements around you, please alert us immediately. Your identity will not be disclosed, that's a promise. It is with deep regret that we are here early this morning to announce the passing of another of our students, Miguel."

Louder inaudible conversations began to make rounds in the hall. People expressed a limited range of emotions – shock, disbelief, fear, and unfazed. The principal gave an order to quiet the small talk and everyone fell silent again. I saw people hold on to each other, steal glances at others they were suspicious of, and do a number of movements to show their unease.

"You must already know in this school, we do not like to keep our students in the dark and act as if all is well when in fact it is not. Some of you may be questioned and knowing the reason why ahead of time is better than it being sprung upon you. We were advised to spare you the details of the death in case the culprit is here and would mistakenly sell themselves out during questioning. Unfortunately, we do not operate that way. If however the culprit is actually in this hall with us, I want you to know that your days are numbered and we would close in on you sooner than you would expect. To the matter at hand. Miguel, was killed in the same manner as the former student, Jack. An initial knife stab to the chest and run over by a car, left in the pool of his blood. Fortunately, he wasn't driven into a river like Jack. We are improving our security measures, installing more cameras and recruiting new security staff on 24-hours shifts. That will be all for now. You are dismissed."

The noise in the hall tripled as the members of staff walked out of the hall. Everyone dropped their takes and analysis of the situation at hand. I looked to Collins only to see him lost in thoughts. When the principal mentioned Jack being driven into the river, I saw Collins readjust his position and look in the direction of the girl but I was too engrossed to pay attention to any of them. The girls walked up to us and I had to tap Collins out of his trance for us to exit the hall together. The hallway was filled with students standing around and engaging in dead conversations. Cause I mean, what could they do? Unless the killer was one of them though they were talking for nothing. It was probably human nature.

The four of us stood around in our own little corner and began to engage in the same conversation every other person was having. Ours was limited though. We made mostly eye contact, funny gestures, and what not. Hardly were any words spoken. I appreciated it as I kind of believed my friends were more mature than to settle on treasure hunts. In this case, serial killer hunt.

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