Chapter 16

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I walked into the hall, walking through the aisles until I got to the stage. It was lit up while the rest of the hall remained in darkness as the drama club was having its usual Tuesday practice.

Tess had asked me to bring her her phone, which she had forgotten with me before last period.

I scanned around for her, before my eyes landed on a distinct yet familiar pair. Collins smiled as soon as he spotted me, waving me over eagerly.

I walked a bit further and stood by his side.

"Hey, have you seen Tess? I need to give her her phone."

Collins shrugged. "I saw her at the start of the meeting but I haven't seen her since."

"Oh, it's okay. I'll just keep looking for her."

"Wait, Juan. Why don't you join us for the play?"

I sighed. "I really want to participate, Collins. It seems like a lot of fun but I'm so busy."

"Are you sure? We put on an awesome show and also get paid for it."

I paused. "You get paid?"

Collins snorted. "Yeah, we all do. All acting and crew staff get compensated fairly. Where do you think all the ticket proceeds go?"

"I don't know! I never thought about it before."

He hummed. "Anyways, so do you think you'd try out for something? You know I think you'd make an amazing actor."

Heat crept up my cheeks at the compliment. "I'll try out for something I guess. Thanks for telling me." I mumbled and Collina shrugged.

"It's no big deal."

It is a very big deal. I thought as I glared at him. How do you do the kindest things for me and act like it's nothing?

"Oh, look at Tess over there. You should go and meet her right? I'll talk to you later."

He gave me a pat on my back before he walked off and I watched him until he got up on the stage.

Why do you have to be so perfect? I thought tiredly before I walked over to Tess.

"Here is your phone, princess."

Tess plucked the device from my palm but didn't look away from the stage. "Thanks. I wanted to record Kat while she practiced. Isn't she gorgeous?"

Tess's words stunned me into silence and I watched her carefully as she recorded the other girl. "What are you doing? Isn't Kat straight?"

She blushed as she glared at me. "She was flirting with me a little at the party so I don't know. Why? You don't think she is hot?"

I rolled my eyes. "You know I don't care about that. What about her not being a good person?"

"Who said anything about Kat being bad?"

"I never said she was a bad person, Tess. I just think she isn't particularly good. Besides, I didn't even think you could like someone like that."

"Someone like what?" Tess asked as she lowered her phone slowly. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, you know what I mean. She is very prissy and dramatic. I thought you liked people who were cool."

"She is cool, you just don't know her. So don't act like you do."

"Whoa, calm down lover girl. I'm not trying to attack her. I just didn't think you and her were like that."

"Well, we are. Or we might be. I don't know."

I sighed. "Just be careful okay? I know you miss Salome but I don't need you getting hurt."

She smiled. "I know Juan. I'll be careful. I just think you don't know her like I do. She really is a good person."

"I know and I believe you."

I just don't trust her. I thought haphazardly before I turned back to the stage.

Kat might have changed to Tess but I still see her the same way as she has always been.

Spoilt girl that only craves being the center of attention.

She might have fooled Tess, but not me.

I'll have to keep an eye on her. I thought before I slipped my hand into Tess', holding hers with tenderness and care.


"Okay, I'll see you next period!" I muttered before I waved Juan off. He climbed up the stairs while I walked down the hallway instead, heading for my locker.

I trailed to a stop when I noticed Kat and Collins standing in front of it, their expressions neutral.

"Guys?" I mumbled as I stood in front of them. "What's happening?"

Kat's nose was red and her tears brimming with tears as she sniffled. "I found rats in my locker in the morning."

"I did too," Collins mumbled. "Have you opened your locker today?"

I shook my head quickly. I had carried my backpack all day, plus I hadn't needed anything in there. "Are there going to be rats when I open it?"

"I don't know. But we need to make sure no one sees. Luckily we were alone when we opened ours. That's why you need to open it now."

I gasped when I realized Juan had been with me all day. If he sees rats coming out of my locker, he will definitely know something is up.

"Fine. I'll open it now." I said as a shudder ran through my spine.

It isn't like I have a choice.

I entered my locker combination slowly, my eyes widening as the lock clicked open loudly. I glanced at the other two, who were alert as my hand pulled the locker handle.

Tiny squeals screamed out immediately, tiny rats jumping out from my locker onto the floor.

They scattered over the tiled floor, scrambling as they tried to get away.

Collins caught them swiftly, stuffing them into a bag quickly before anyone saw them.

"What the hell?" I whispered as I stared at my locker, which stunk of rat feces. "Who is doing all this?"

Suddenly, the speakers in the hallway crackled to life.

The principal cleared her throat while the intercom buzzed in the background as she spoke.

"Good morning students of the academy. The school administration has instructed that we inform you of the ongoing progress of Jack Martinez's case.

The state authorities have informed us that new evidence has come forward regarding his murder and CCTV footage of the night is now in their possession.

Please pass this information out to your guardians so they are aware you are all in very safe hands. Thank you."

The intercom crackled off, leaving the hallway in silence once more.

My eyes met Collins and Kat, who were staring back at me with the same wild look in their eyes.

The truth was clear as day before us, searing us with the consequence of keeping it hidden.

They have found out what we did.

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