Chapter 10

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I am so freaking late. I thought as I searched through my locker as I tried to find an extra pair of socks.

The hallway was empty since it was already time for the third period.

Which meant I was supposed to be on the field right now.

After I changed into my gym clothes, I realized I didn't have any clean socks so I hurried down to my locker to find the extra pair I kept around.

I was just about to give up my search when my fingers brushed against the wooly material and I pulled it out.

Finally, I thought as I slammed the locker shut.

"What's up?" Collins piped up the minute I turned and I nearly screamed.

I placed my hand on top of my heart as I panted. "You scared me. What are you doing here?"

He stepped closer and leaned against the lockers. "I saw you leave the changing room and come here. I was curious so I followed you."

I stared at him blankly before I bent over to put my socks on quickly. "Aren't you supposed to be in gym class right now? How hasn't coach noticed you're missing?"

Collins shrugged. "I won't be gone long enough for him to notice. Besides, I wanted to ask you something."

That caught my attention.

I stood upright and turned to him. "Why? What's up?"

"Some of us in our class are throwing a party tonight. I thought you would want to come."

"Oh, Where is it happening?"

"At our dorms by midnight."

I paused. "The dorms? Are you guys allowed to throw parties there?"

He shrugged again. "Honestly, I don't think so and I can't be bothered to find out. It's going to be fine anyway." He glanced at me. "So what is it? Are you going to be there?"

I'll have to sneak out of the house again. I thought tiredly. I hope Uncle Julian sleeps deeply tonight.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there. Just let me know what room I'm coming up to." I said instead.

He snorted loudly. "We aren't using one room, Juan. How would that take everyone in our year? We will most likely be scattered all over the building, so just make sure you make it there okay?"

"The whole building?" I blanched. "I thought it was just going to be a few of us."

"Well, you thought wrong," Collins mumbled as he backed away. "Be there!" He yelled before he disappeared from my sight.

I'm going to a party tonight. I thought as I pushed my feet into my sneakers. Who would have thought?


I reached the academy dorms past midnight. Collins came to sneak me in, guiding me through the back gate. We sprinted down the walkway, our bodies crouched until we reached the dorm buildings.

It was my first time here and I was stunned by how gorgeous the place was. I tried not to gawk at everything as Collins led me up the stairs. We reached the second floor and everywhere was packed. Loud music blasted from an unknown source and students stood casually in the hallway.

Some were dancing, while others lounged around and made out. The hallway reeked of alcohol and sweat as we maneuvered our way to Collins's room.

I recognized some of our classmates huddled in a far corner of the hallway and it looked like they were playing a drinking game.

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