Chapter 13

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I watched the three of them from afar, their heads huddled close as they spoke about something.

It was Tess, Collins, and Kat. They were under the bleachers, whispering amongst themselves.

My heart panged at the realization that I hadn't been invited to their little garden. but I pushed the feeling away.

Jack was still missing and the entire school had been tense ever since. Stricter measures had been implemented by the academy to ensure their students safety, but everyone was still on edge.

I had come early to school today and noticed Tess was already around. I had been about to surprise her when she had walked away hurriedly, her eyes scanning her surroundings as she walked. I had followed her, curious to see where she was going that required this much ceremony.

Now, I understand.

I had no idea when the three of them became so close, but all I knew was that something had triggered it. I noticed the glances three of them would throw at each other randomly during class, or how they never seemed to talk to one another when I was around.

It was puzzling, but I figured out they had their reasons.

It still sucks not to be invited though. I thought as I made my way back to my locker.


Chemistry class was boring as usual, even though we were all paired up with our group members instead of sitting alone.

Jack's empty stool looked strikingly empty by my side and I threw it a nervous glance before turning back to Mr. Pedros. We still hadn't started our projects, but Mr. Pedros had given all of us an extension, considering the troubling times the academy was going through.

Everything was slowly going back to normal again, even with Jack's absence.

Suddenly the speakers cracked on, which was usually a sign that Ms. Paula had something urgent to announce.

Mr. Pedros had been speaking, but he stopped once the principal's voice echoed through the school building.

"Good morning students. I have some devastating news. Jack Martinez has been pronounced dead by the local authorities."

The entire class gasped, the sound piercing through the silence in the hallway. I turned towards Jack's seat, my eyes widening as I realized what that meant.

Jack wasn't coming back.

He was gone. Forever.

As someone who had been subjected to his bullying for so long, I thought I would feel something else other than the bitter taste piling at the back of my throat. He was gone, yet I wasn't feeling anything but despair.

"We will observe a minute of silence for him during an impromptu assembly tomorrow morning. Please remember that the investigation is still open as the police still have some questions they need to answer.

You will be seeing a lot more of the authorities around school grounds, so don't be nervous upon sighting them. Students are implored to give them your full corporation and provide them with any information they might require.

That is all for now.

Rest in peace, Jack Martinez."

And then the intercom buzzed off.


We were all standing in the hallway when Salome left.

Upon hearing about their son's death, her parents had pulled her out from the school and told her to return home.

Tess had been devastated all day.

This was the first person she had liked in the academy and she felt bad that something this terrible was happening to her.

Salome sobbed as she hugged her friends, her backpack slugged behind her as she cried into their shoulders. Her face was puffy from the tears, her cheeks and nose tinged red.

She walked further down the hallway, only stopping in front of Tess.

They fell into each other, hugging for only a moment. I watched them with tears in my eyes while sadness pooled up in my gut.

Salome waved at us before she hurried down the hallway.

I took Tess's hand in mine and she glanced at me. "She'll be okay. You will too."

And that was it. 

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