Chapter 7 part one

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The walk home from the academy was quiet in a way I found familiar.

It was the same sereness that surrounded the air whenever I went up to the roof in school, and I savored it whenever I could.

It was a gentle kind of quiet; the type that sits with you on a lonely day and offers comfort instead of words. It was the type I found myself often craving after a day of blood-pumping interactions.

Simply put, I relished my walk home from the academy. Today was no different and I took my time, smelling the flowers in the rich neighborhood that was on my path. I watched the magnificent blend of color that filled the sky at twilight, marveling at the distinct hue it gave the earth.

I breathed in deeply, grounding myself in the beauty of reality before I actually faced it.

And then I continued my walk, restricting myself from deviating from the path to Uncle Julian's house.

It was dark by the time I reached home.

My heart ached underneath my chest as I approached the suburban home, checking the driveway for my uncle's car. I found it empty and sighed in relief.

Uncle Julian usually made a fuss whenever I got back home later than fifteen minutes past five. The restriction started ever since he was informed that a typical school day ended by five pm. He then calculated that if it took me ten minutes to make the walk home, I would be in the house when the clock reads fifteen minutes past the hour.

Luckily for me, Uncle Julian usually worked overtime and never made it back to the house before eight o clock. This gave me enough freedom to come back home whenever I like, as long as I got my chores done on time. Aunty Esmeralda didn't give me any trouble; she was sweet that way and always had a late lunch set out for me by the time I came back home.

It could be a lot sometimes, but it was my life. I still had to live with it and make do with what I have been given.

I opened the door carefully and stepped into the house. After I took off my shoes and kept them neatly by the door, I moved to the staircase that led upstairs.

"Juan, welcome home." Someone greeted me from the living room and I jumped.

It was my Uncle Julian and he was sprawled on the couch like he had been there for a while.

Waiting for me. I realized, licking my lips nervously as I moved closer to him.

"Good evening Uncle. You're home early."

"Yes, I am. I need to see what goes on in my house when I am not there."

My throat went dry. He is trying to catch me doing something wrong.

"Oh," I said instead. "I didn't see your car in the driveway, so I didn't think you were around. That was why I was going straight to my room."

"Ah, yes. I know Esmeralda can be a bit... emotional sometimes, so I sent her along with the car to get some shopping done."

I nodded, glancing briefly at the staircase. "That sounds nice. Welcome home, Uncle. I'll be off to my room now." I started to turn around when I heard a loud grunt.

Uncle Julian stood to his feet, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And where do you think you are going, young man?"

The strong stench of whiskey hit me as soon as he inched closer to me. I scrunched my nose before I backed away slightly.

Don't rile him up even further, Juan. I thought to myself sternly.

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