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°•CHAPTER 11•°

°•Brietta's POV•°

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°•Brietta's POV•°

My mind were running with inappropriate thoughts, seeing Jonathan in handcuffs, I tried not to let my thoughts go in that direction, but I was betrayed by my own thoughts. The annoying chatter of the officer sitting behind us was the only noise in the station. The silence between Jonathan and I was comforting, even tho I had no idea what I should say to him, I personally thought Harrington deserved to be pummeled to the ground, he had it coming in the long run.

Mrs Byers came storming into the station, putting a stop to my thoughts, her eyes searching the station, until her sight landed on both Jonathan and I.

"Hey, Brie? Jonathan? Jesus, what... What happened?" She asks, staring at Jonathan's bruised knuckles, I wanted to make a joke, saying she should see the other guy, but I decided against it, when Nancy graced us with her presence.


The dorky looking officer, behind us got up, trying to get the woman's attention.

"I'm fine." Jonathan told his mother, not wanting her to worry, I felt caged with all the adults and their emotions surrounding us.

"Why is he wearing handcuffs?" Mrs Byers asks the officer, pointing to Jonathan's hands. "Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why." The officer states matter of factly, also being the same officer Jonathan elbowed in the nose, when his attention was solely on Steve, I never knew he was capable of such anger, until today, he was always the type to stay calm and away from conflict, maybe Flo was right, love does make you go crazy.

"Take them off." Mrs Byers demands.

"I am afraid I can't do that." The officer says, in my opinion, he was taking this too personally, and decided to be an asshat instead, since it's his nose that almost got broken.

"Take them off!" Mrs Byers says again in a more demanding tone, her voice getting louder with each word, Hopper made his appearance behind her known, his eyes glaring at his officer. "You heard her. Take 'em off." he orders.

The amount of different emotions in this station had me feeling overwhelmed, I've never been good with big crowds, I was never able to pinpoint who was feeling what, I wish I knew how to control these things.

"Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see." Another voice spoke up, it turned out to be the nicer officer, I didn't even notice he entered the station, he had a complete calm aura to him.

Hopper followed his officers outside, Mrs Byers took a closer look at Jonathan's bruises, her disappointment in us were very clear, I didn't even need to feel what she was feeling, it was written all over her face, and it made me feel ashame of myself.

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