Chapter 9: ep. 15

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"So, I'll be with the Pritchett-Tucker family today. We are taking the kids for a valentines date." I inform

"One, because My sister and Phil, Gloria and Dad are going somewhere, where we don't wanna know" I shake my head

"Two, because this one is always free on valentines" Cam giggle, and my smile dropped

"Come on, kids." I open the backseat door for Alex, Manny, and Luke while Haley open hers, the passenger side "Thank you so much, my beautiful sis—" I slam the door closed after they got in

"Claire. You don't have to do all this speech, just don't get pregnant again, I won't help you anymore" I warn her making her roll her eyed at me "Okay, Mom—"

"No. I would feed your children to a crocodile" I point at her, she shakes her head while chuckling "Okay, but seriously thank you, y/n" She pats my head like a kid, I rolled my eyes and walk away from her to the driver's side

I got inside and started my car, concerted it to top-down, for the the kids to wave their goobye Claire and Phil as I drive away from their house "Byee! have fun with your aunty!" We heard Phil yell "Don't spoil them too much!" Claire add

"So, where are we going?" Alex lean in to my seat "I don't know, what do you guys wanna do?" I asked back

"Let's go watch a movie!"

"I hear there's a poetry concert near here—"

"You can just drop me here, I'll go to Dylan"

"Okay, one at a time. Luke, watch a movie in valentines? Come on be more creative. Manny, these two would probably be dead asleep 5 minutes in. Haley, no." I answered their responses

"Why not? You don't like Dylan too?" Haley look at me with a surprise face "Oh, come on. You can do better, honey" I shake my head at her causing her to nod

"Okay. I'll break up with him, right now" she said, I shrugged while the other kids lean in, invested at the scene "I'll really do it" Haley took her phone out of pocket

"Okay, do it." I glanced at her then back to the road

"I really will do it" She opens her phone "Alright, Haley" I smirk at her "why don't you like him? I don't care if Mom doesn't, but you too?" She asked

"First of all that boy is so weird. Second, he's a senior guy and you're a freshman, let me tell you, I had relationships in high school with seniors, didn't all last that long because they're so...clueless and all they can do is play with their stupid band!" I explain to them

"Third, I saw the way that boy looks at your Mom, and it's so weird, are boys now days into older woman? Fourth, have you seen how he dress like?" I continue making her jaw dropped as I just keep on going, like the others

"Fifth, I saw him with a girl like last week—"

"What?!" She yelled "Yeah, I thought it was you, so I was about to call you, but— Wait." I immediately step on the break causing the kids to held bounce front back and forth

"Is he cheating on you?" I asked Haley, she held into her chest from the break impact then turn to me "Is he?!" She asked back and open her phone again, dialing a number

I pushed the roof back, for privacy and closed all windows. Haley's phone rang for a few seconds then Dylan finally answer

"Are you cheating on me?!" Haley yell, I look back to the other kids who's still leaning forward to their eldest sister and niece

"What? What are talking about?" Dylan asked through the phone "I don't wanna hear your explanation! We're over!" She hanged up just like that

"Come on, let's have some fun" Haley look at me then to the kids, trying her best not to cry. Alex clears her throat and nod "Yeah! Let— Let's have some fun!" She said, Luke agreed, hyping everyone up

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