KEC - 2

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Once I'd left Oj's office, I decided I needed to go get something to eat. I couldn't remember the last time I'd eaten anything- but there's nothing stopping me from getting anything this time.

Once I'd gotten downstairs to the kitchen, I bumped into Tissues, who made a loud squeak of anger and terror before shoving me off. "Oh!" I shouted quickly. "I'm so sorry! Are you-"

"Who's there?!"

...huh? I waved my hand in front of his face, only to get no reply. Tissues looked incredibly confused, and then he huffed. "Uh- m-my motive thing," he started, "Fan said I'm blind and deaf. I guess that's true, because I can't see or hear a damn thing! Are you here to kill me??"

"No!" I shook my head, but realized he couldn't understand me regardless. His eyes moved off to the distance for a second.

"...Look- I think I need your help, stranger that might be gone. My medicine- I can't take it because I can't find it, or read the labels. Trophy has a list somewhere in here, and all the meds are somewhere too. Could you help me get what I need for the afternoon at least?"

Get what medicine he needed for the afternoon. That didn't seem too terribly hard- especially if there's a list I can follow!

I immediately dug around a little bit, found the sheet I was looking for, and skimmed to the afternoon section. Three medicines- and two of them needed to have the pills crushed and mixed into applesauce. The other said "drink with water". I got out a small bowl with some applesauce, poured it in, and then looked for the medicines in question.

Why they would put it in the kitchen and not their bathroom was beyond me, but then again I probably wouldn't have been able to help if they had been in their bathroom- because it most certainly was locked away. I opened the cabinet underneath the sink and saw quite a few bottles, though all of them were cleaners of some sort... except for one. It had a label of "bromethalin" taped onto the front, and it looked like a jug... that's when I realized just how fuzzy everything in my head was.

My head had been hurting for a while- though I barely knew how long. Maybe I'd gotten distracted enough to not care, but now it was like my skull was throbbing. It had to be the music, which only got louder and louder. Without even thinking, I grabbed the jug and put it on the counter.

If I poured it into the applesauce, would Tissues notice? Probably not- I doubted he had the ability to taste anyway. Nobody would realize... and I only had the vague idea of that label being some sort of poison. It wouldn't make him worse than he already was. You couldn't get much worse than that. At least, that's what I had thought. Even beyond my rational thinking screaming to leave the situation, I'd unscrewed the cap and picked it up.

I dropped the entire thing onto the floor when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped my head around, nearly screaming from how badly I'd been startled. I expected someone innocent- a friend maybe, or even Tissues- was Fan. He looked serious, but a little smile still laid on his face.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"..." I could feel a lump in my throat. I didn't know what to say- and I felt like I couldn't say anything if I had wanted to. Did he do this to Soap, too? Was I seriously almost about to kill someone without a second thought?

He continued. "When he eats that- you won't notice anything wrong for a few days. But eventually, he'll get sick. Sicker than usual. Chills, nausea, vomiting, lack of energy, external bleeding, confusion, convulsions... seizures... and you'd let everyone be confused. He'd die, not knowing what you'd done. To the naked eye, this plan seems pretty good! Foolproof, even! But there's one little detail. If you do this right now, someone will probably find out you were talking to him. He's kind of loud anyway, and so are you. You're lucky I'm keeping my voice down- what if someone caught you right now."

"W-Why are you telling me this...?" My head only hurt more as I heard the music fade into loud static. I could hardly even see properly, and I realized my eyes had filled up with tears from how bad it had gotten. My hands had begun to shake as Fan handed me another jug with the same chemical in it.

"I'm just informing you. I tried telling Soap the same thing, but she told me to buzz off. I wanna warn everyone who thinks about it- cause it's more dramatic this way! But I won't bother you anymore. Just keep that in mind, ok?"

I went to staring at the applesauce in front of me, and put the new jug where the old one had gone, throwing the one on the floor in the trash. Fan didn't give me a second of pity, and instead chose to disappear and leave me in such a horrid, dark place. I shook my head, and eventually found what Tissues needed to take lying on top of the fridge. Once I'd crushed the right doses, mixed it with applesauce and gotten the water with the extra pill, I tapped Tissues' shoulder and handed him the applesauce cup, with the spoon sticking up against the side.

"Oh. Thank you... who are you? Are you Trophy? Put your thumb on my shoulder if I'm right." That was certainly an odd way to communicate, but he probably didn't have a whole lot of time to develop a system either, so I didn't move. "...I had a feeling. Give me a second to take the stuff- you can leave me alone after that." He very slowly moved his hand around the cup until he felt the spoon sticking out, grabbing ahold of it and pushing a spoonful to his lips before having some.

The process seemed meticulous, but he had a pretty good grasp on what he had to do, so I didn't interrupt it and risk making him confused or something. Once the applesauce was gone, he began to cough pretty aggressively, so much so that I actually flinched at the first few.

"S-Sorry-" Tissues said between loud coughs "-I do this every time. Are you even still there?" I pressed my thumb to his shoulder again. He began to settle down, nodding at my thumb. "R-Right. Well, I don't know who you are, but thank you for helping me. I've been so confused- it's hard to get this process done with someone who knows what to do, let alone by myself with no grasp on what the hell's going on!"

"What about- dang it..." He still couldn't hear me. I wanted to ask about the night medicine, but maybe he just wanted to cross that bridge when he got to it... it wasn't late enough just yet, so I didn't bother.

"... you can go now if you want. I'm not in much of a mood for a one sided discussion," Tissues mumbled as he gestured for me to go away. I glanced around for a second to make sure nobody else was in here before I got up, pat Tissues on the shoulder, and walked out to go do something else.

My headache felt a lot better now, all things considered. Not that I deserved to feel good after almost killing somebody. I didn't give in though- that's what mattered!

I was pretty worried Tissues wouldn't last, though. All I could do was cross my fingers and hope for the best.

Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWhere stories live. Discover now