VU - ???

20 0 17

That bastard.

Everyone has been trying to shut me down since the very beginning. I was mean- sure- but the constant harassment and betrayals I've faced from everyone far outweighs anything I'd ever said or done! Nickel deserved everything I ever did to him after what he did to me.

My only friend, Suitcase, wasn't here to help me, but I could hear her voice speaking softly in my ear. She always consoled me when I needed it. She'd been whispering to me that everyone deserved what happened to them. Baseball wasn't innocent- he was a sick enabler of his jackass friend. And Nickel... I thought we had something. Our moments together felt real, like I was truly cared about and loved.

And yet, he abandoned me because he can't handle me not being emotionless. Suitcase was always here though- she was all I needed. My best friend. My only friend.

I'd been writing poems for her ever since everyone got trapped in the little killing game. One night I had decided to write while Suitcase talked to me, when a piece of paper was suddenly slipped under my door. I turned to open it, and it only said a few words in crude chicken scratch.

"I need to talk to you. Meeting room floor 3 -Baseball"

Suitcase laughed at the note. "He must think you're stupid... he's obviously just taking you there so he can kill you."

I thought about the note, reading it over a couple more times as I noticed dried tear marks on the paper. "Maybe he wants to apologize?"

"...I don't think so," she insisted. "Get a knife just in case. You'll probably need it to defend yourself."

"But- What if-"

"You can talk, but bring a knife."

Suitcase didn't seem willing to drop it, so I hesitantly made my way down to the kitchen, passing by Knife, who was asleep on the couch... that's against the rules.

"Don't worry about him," Suitcase whispered, "he'll face consequences tomorrow."

I stopped for a moment to look back at him. "I- But he's nice enough... maybe-"

"He already broke the rule. Just focus, Balloon." With an empty sigh, I went back upstairs to get to the meeting with Baseball.

He actually waited for me outside of the room, hands folded together as they pointed downward. "Be careful," Suitcase said again as I stepped closer to him.

Baseball opened the meeting room door for me to go into, so I did, feeling the handle of the knife in my pocket as if he'd attack me right then and there... but he didn't. All he did was close the door and flick on the lights, waiting a moment as faint footsteps passed through the hall and stopped being audible- probably from Trophy or Tissues. He then took in a deep breath, and Suitcase's breathing grew shaky.

"Balloon- you know what you have to do." Baseball stepped forward again, now right in front of me, and as he reached forward to pat my shoulder and say something, Suitcase then screamed at the top of her lungs, making me see red as I screamed as well and hurry to stab Baseball wherever I could manage.

In an instant Baseball fell back and tried to grab ahold of my arm when I fell to my knees to keep stabbing him, but the screaming kept ringing in my ears, now including his own, and everything went black before I even realized what had just happened, or what I was doing.

I woke up in what felt like a few seconds, but Baseball had been replaced by someone I hadn't even tried to go after- deliberately avoided even- Knife. His body was underneath mine, curled up on its side and cold to the touch as blood oozed out of his stomach and chest.

"S-Suitcase? What...what happened??"

Nobody said a word, and I began to shake a little. "Suitcase- I'm scared- what... was this... me?" As I got up to frantically look around the room, I saw nobody else but the two of us, and the blood trail that led outside. Baseball must've escaped somehow- which part of me felt thankful for. But- now that Knife was dead, what the hell was I supposed to do??? What would the others think if they found me out?...

And then it hit me. Frame someone else! Maybe Baseball- but he would be alive to go against me. Pushing him beyond a mental breakdown would most certainly make him expose me directly. But he didn't see the end of the interaction- right? Maybe I could just say that Knife had killed himself! That sounded like a much safer idea... I took off my blood-covered sweater, threw it to the side for now, and went out to go get whatever I needed. It would be fine! Nobody's going to even think about me as a killer- why would Balloon kill KNIFE anyway? And maybe I didn't! It could've been Baseball after all- who knows?!

(Note from Fan: It wasn't. Cope.)

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