Lifering's Testimony

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I had been relatively transparent this entire time... almost. Nobody asked me anything, or even told me to start my own account, yet I felt them demanding for it.

"I was asleep when Pickle had been killed," I began, nervously navigating through my mind to find the exact way to say everything, and possibly omit the scary stuff. Of course, Trophy didn't seem to want me to have such luck.

"And then after that case, you tried to poison Tissues," he mused, eyes locked onto mine, "he told you he couldn't see or hear a damn thing, and that I wasn't around. So, what did you do? You tried to kill him when he asked for your help."

The other three now began to look at me funny. I could feel a bead of sweat rolling down my forehead as I kept going back and forth on what to say. How could I respond to that and not make it sound like I was a monster? Nobody else had admitted, or gotten caught, trying to kill anybody. They were innocent, and I nearly got blood on my hands over a motive so... pointless.

I could feel Apple's glare in particular- far more harsh than the rest. She said nothing, and while I filled in the gaps for them, I couldn't help but feel like it was pointless. "I was out of my mind. I wanted to taint his applesauce so he would just die of poisoning, but Fan told me not to. And, after thinking, I didn't go through with it. I felt like an idiot. I am an idiot. But- it's something I regret every damn day! I don't know how else to make up for it- he's gone. He killed somebody else. It doesn't even matter."

Trophy's eyes began to grow glossy, but he said nothing. If he didn't have anything to argue against me on, then I was probably in the clear, so I simply continued on.

"I had been asleep when the second murder took place, but afterward I helped Baseball with his bleeding since he'd come to my door, and spent time with Apple and the other two once he was stable. After that, Pepper tried to kill me, and I woke up to see Baseball dying, and her already dead. We talked briefly, but when he died, Oj caught me holding his body and could only assume that I'd done both crimes. After that- I was sleeping a lot, so I completely missed the majority of the situation with Oj and Tissues. And then after that- Fan was helping treat me for a mild heart attack. I'm sorry for what I did to Tissues. I am- I really, truly am. But what else can I say?"

The four were silent. I felt waves of guilt and shame rushing over me, and I couldn't help but feel like they suddenly wanted to work me in as this horrible traitor. Maybe I was. Maybe my memory had been erased, and all my documentation of the events helped Fan decipher his own ways to manipulate everyone.

Before I could think any further, Fan walked into the room with all of us, smiling brightly, before he gestured to the elevator off to the side. We had given our stories. We had just run out of time.

Apple, Bomb, Microphone, and I all filed into the elevator. Trophy hesitated, still upset by the interaction that had just occurred, but he went in eventually. We all said nothing for a good while, as the elevator doors closed and went down. The moment they opened though, Microphone nodded to us.

"We can do this," was all she said. And yet, it helped. As I stood at my podium, I had no answers, but I knew we would find them together. Whatever happened after that? That was between Fan, Steve Cobs, and God.

If they haven't killed God already.

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