Blindness in Love - 1

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Chapter 4
Status: Beginning

Waking up wasn't too bad this morning

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Waking up wasn't too bad this morning. Maybe it was the fact I had something in my stomach to hold me over this time around? Whatever was the cause, I sat up and heard Bomb talking to someone. I looked over and realized it was Apple.

"I do not... like?" Apple looked at Bomb, and he gave an encouraging nod. "I do not like them, Sam-I-Am. I do not like green... eggs... a-and ham. Is that it?"

"That's it! Oh- I- sorry. I'm t-trying to be quiet. Good job- you're mmmaking great progress. High five girlfriend!" Their hands loudly smacked together, which clearly meant to me that Bomb didn't care all that much about being quiet for me. Once Bomb saw me up, he waved. "Hey! Apple an-a-and I are working. Sorry if I got t-too excited."

"That's ok," I waved them off. "It's a good skill to learn, and I was up anyway... did I miss the funeral?"

"Oh, it never started! But since you're up and alive..." Apple hopped off the bed, fishing in the front pocket of her overalls, handing me a threaded bracelet with red and white stripes. "I made you an appreciation bracelet! It takes a while to make, but I got Bomb one too! Does it look ok?"

As I slipped the bracelet onto my wrist, I looked at it and felt... weirdly different. Like this tiny accessory made the pain from last night a tiny bit more bearable. Apple awaited an answer, staying still for the first time since I'd seen her. I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah. It looks great, Apple. Thank you."

"No prob Bob!" She gave me a thumbs up, but Bomb cleared his throat a little bit to get her attention.

"Wwwwhy don't you g-get us breakfast? C-Candle might see me if I g-g-go down. I'm not in the m-mmmood today." Once Bomb got up, he started shuffling some things around in his nightstand drawer before pulling it away from the wall, and Apple gave him a nod before she took off without much warning. As soon the door closed behind Apple, Bomb gestured for me to look at the wall... there was a whole in the wall, with a shelf containing some snacks and stuff? A jar of applesauce caught my eye, and Bomb pulled it out, along with a shiny little spoon on top of his nightstand to give to me.

I immediately shook my head. "No- I don't want-"

"Y-You need to."

"But I don't like applesauce!"

"Will you g-g-get annnaphylactic?"

"Well no, but-"

"Will you get sick off t-the texture?"

"No..." I sounded defeated as he gave me the jar, and despite it coming out of the wall, it looked clean and relatively new- the expiration date wasn't for a few years yet, and the spoon didn't look bad either. He must've taken them from the kitchen last night to give to me...

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