BIL - 2

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Tea Kettle set up a little camera in front of her face, speaking in a hushed tone to it.

"Ok, so I decided I wanna make these vlog things so I can show you guys when I get home. Matcha, Chamomile, I joined the show for ya, but this is what happens when we lose... now I'm on some dingy island, but I got some friends! And your new godfather! Lifering!" She waved over and zoomed out the camera as it turned to... who else, but me. My eyes were shimmering with excitement as I was stretching out for some sort of thing next to Goo. TK whispered to the camera, "he might be busy 'cause he's about to race around the whole island with Goo. The winner gets my peach cobbler... they love my peach cobbler."

God I wished she was here. I'd kill for some of that cobbler right about now. It's literally heaven in a dish, I swear to you. Anyway, I kept watching despite my now aching hunger.

"Oh, and there's Blueberry! Blueberry, say hi!" In the bottom left corner of the frame I could see some blue hair, and then it whipped to zoom all the way into Blueberry's face. He looked an awful lot like how I was looking when I was watching this tape. His puffy jacket sunk in at his stomach area, his eyes were heavy and dull, and the bags under his eyes were practically black... but he looked to the camera regardless and waved a little bit.

"He's not excited to be on the island, and I don't blame him. But Lifering and I are here to help him adjust and be comfortable- we gotta help a fellow sinker after Box died!" The camera still focused in on Blue, who turned to me and Goo just as Cabby shouted for us to start the race. Tea Kettle immediately whipped the camera back to us as we took off, and she laughed.

"Well kids, I'll show you the rest of them later, I gotta make sure that these guys don't get too hurt running along all the sticks and rocks. I love you, and I'll see you soon babies!"

The tape then stopped abruptly, and Blueberry looked at me.

"You see what I mean now, right?" I didn't, but I did see all the peace between them. I played along though.

"I guess so. But- why did she want to record us to show her kids, anyway?"

"She liked us," he said with a plain look on his face, "she wanted to show her family the friends she'd made... I wasn't one of them yet."

"But we're friends now, and that's what we need to focus on, right Blue?"

My response seemingly fell on deaf ears, and I was confused for a second until I looked over and saw Blueberry smiling as a tear rolled down his face.

"Yeah. I can't wait to see this get better again..." his voice trembled, and he tried to wipe off his face. It didn't help much- he was just full on crying now.

"I have a lot to worry about, but I promise you and I won't ever stop being friends. If I'm ever in danger, know that I always wanted to ask for you before anybody else. I just- haven't been able to," I mumbled.

"Baseball and Paper are dead, so of course you would ask for me now."

Ah. I forgot Blueberry didn't realize Paper was still alive... I questioned telling him the secret, but ultimately decided against it. If anyone knew, Nickel might end up getting in trouble, and all three of the escapees might get straight up murdered.

I did respond though. "I would've asked for you first even before they died. I swear on my life, Blueberry."

"Please don't swear on your life. Swear on someone else's... like-" he paused- "Fan's?" I couldn't help but laugh at his joke, even if he wasn't actually joking, and playfully nudged his arm.

"You're so silly, Blue! We can swear on Fan's life then-"

"You called?" Fan appeared right in front of us, and I didn't jump anymore. I just stared, praying he would go away! But alas, he stayed perfectly still, looking right into my eyes with a strange intensity. "You called?"

"I really didn't," I groaned. Fan leaned in to get right in my face again, smiling brightly.

"You did though."

"Fan..." I tried to scoot back on the couch. "This is weird. Weirder than usual. Is this because you were nice to me the other day?"

"No. I'm just loving the way you look so uncomfortable right now!~" Fan giggled to himself, booped the tip of my nose, and leaned back. I repressed the urge to cry and punch him.

"...Thanks Fan."

Blueberry looked ready to kill. No surprise there. I could still feel myself cringing quite aggressively as I rubbed off the nose germs he just gave to me. Eventually, after some silence, Fan stopped smiling.

"Maybe that was too much, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, it was," Blueberry grumbled, holding his arms up. "What's your problem with Lifering anyway??"

"Blueberry, buddy, I apologized. Relax-"

"But you're married and you act like Lifering is your husba-" Blueberry got cut off by a loud, uncharacteristic scream as Fan immediately threw a punch to his stomach. He collapsed to the ground in an instant with a pitiful wheeze.

I just stared at him for a second, then looked at Fan. "Uhm- Why?"

Fan got in my face again, his smile and gaze more intense than ever. "If you or any of your little friends mention my wife again, I will keep you locked away in a room for weeks, and then I'll find you, shatter every bone in your body, and make sure you stay awake to hear every single crack. Ok?"

I didn't even say it? Why was he threatening me?! I almost said something, but then I got a puff of powdery smoke in my mouth and coughed all that out by the time I realized Fan was now gone. Blueberry was still lying on the floor, obviously in pain because he got a sucker punch.

"Uh- you good, Blue?"

"It hurts like a son of a b-"

"Let's not swear, Blue." I chuckled quietly as I tried to help him get up onto his feet again, and he struggled a bit, but got onto the couch eventually with a loud huff.

"I didn't realize Fan had any strength in those noodle arms."

"I didn't either!" I pat Blue on the shoulder. "Though I guess it makes sense. He can't be COMPLETELY powerless against us, right?"

"Eh... but uh- thank you for helping me, I guess."

"It's no problem really. I should try to get out a little more- maybe without getting angry about it. You're a great way to take that first step, cause I like you!" His face visibly flushed, and he looked away, at first because I thought he was embarrassed.

"Sorry- I know you don't like it when I... y'know."

He was hiding his blushing to prevent me from feeling uncomfortable? I appreciated the thought and all, but he really didn't have to go out of his way to hide it. Either way though, I got up to leave the room. Bomb wouldn't be happy if I had already failed to listen to him...

"Hey Blue- I'm going to lay down. Are you ok to stay here?"

"Oh- yeah I'll be fine. Don't worry- I might need a bit, that's all."

I nodded, and turned to look at Blueberry with a tiny smile. "Hey- when we get out of here, do you promise to make me something?"

His eyes lit up for a second when I mentioned the potential prospect of baking, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Of course. I would be happy to get into the swing of things... though, maybe not here. We could go to another island somewhere, make the best vacation spot ever for all of our friends, right?"

"Yeah... That would be nice. See ya Blue."

With that, I closed the door behind me and waddled back downstairs to get into Soap's bed.

Yes, I'm going to say Soap's bed every time; it's not mine. It never was and never will be. Staying there was temporary.

Despair's Insanity - an II x DR ficWhere stories live. Discover now