KEC - 5 (Investigation)

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As soon as we got to the second floor hallway again, Microphone grabbed the whistle right off my neck and blew into it with force I could've never been able to do. Everyone immediately turned to her.

"ALL OF YOU GET UP AGAINST THE WALL IN A LINE- NOW!" A couple people hesitated, but after maybe twenty seconds, everyone got in the line that Microphone had ordered. She let go of my whistle and helped me to stand in front of everyone with her.

"Now, Knife's dead, and if you don't know what happened, then I don't believe any of you. I want all of you to recall what you were doing at the time Fan put on your phones in that stupid app! If you were sleeping- I'm gonna talk to you anyway because I can't put my faith in shit like that, got it?! And when I find out which one of you killed the man who only wanted to help you all, you'll be begging for Fan to give you that execution. Now don't move until I'm done!"

"Microphone... what's the point of that?" I asked quietly.

"I'm going over testimonies for potential alibis and holes to poke through. You think you're stable enough to help?"

"Oj and Bomb are enough to go over the body, so... I guess I don't have much choice if I want to help," I said with a light chuckle.

"Good to hear, I guess? I- what were YOU doing at the time?" She put a hand on her hip and waited for my response, which I gave promptly.

"I was asleep, but I woke up at two and saw Baseball got stabbed, and was wanting my help. He was in the middle of the hallway. Then I went to Oj's office to find Oj, Apple, and Bomb. After we all talked, I went back to bed."

She nodded. "Sounds right. Apple! Can you back him up?" I looked down the line to see Apple somewhere in the middle. She wasn't as bouncy anymore though.

"Yeah!" Apple tightened her hair tie. "Bomb and I were learning about Oj's business stuff last night. All three of us were together for the majority of the night, but that office is soundproof and actually insulated- so we didn't hear anything suspicious. Lifering came in around two like he said, but he didn't seem off or suspicious."

"Ok, you can go ahead and sit down then,"Microphone commanded as she gestured for Apple to sit on the floor, which she did. "Baseball's not here... but we can talk to him later."

"Baseball's not here?" Balloon's squeaky voice piped up out of nowhere, and I glanced at him. "Where is he? Is he ok?! I haven't seen him in a long time... do you think he's upset?"

"I could imagine he's upset," Candle mumbled, putting a hand on Balloon's shoulder. "We should not interrupt the interrogation process, though. We can find him later."

Microphone looked relatively displeased at the interruption, but didn't mention it openly, walking up to Balloon. "How about you then? What were you doing?"

"I was writing poetry," he said quickly. "I couldn't stop hearing voices- but I was scared! I couldn't leave my room! I heard Baseball though, he sounded horribly distressed, but I was too scared to come out. I thought he was looking to hurt somebody!"

"Well, he got stabbed."

"HE WHAT?!" Balloon nearly began to cry, tugging at the ends of his hair. "No! He can't!- I never got to make up with him after-"

"That's not what matters," Microphone snapped. "He's not dead."

"So?! We should still-"

"Shut. Up. We have to get through everyone- not just you! Now, we have what you said. Lifering- are you putting this in?"

One thing went through my head as she turned to me: "darn it..." I grabbed my phone and immediately began to type what they'd said, and Microphone thankfully didn't give me an aggressive reaction. She's rightfully pissed- so I wouldn't have cared too much, but it would've frightened me. Her screaming at the others was hard to watch as is.

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