Meeting My Uncles part 1.

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After Dad and I ate the pizza, he and I went downstairs and listened to music and talked some more. "So, what other bands do you like besides us, baby girl?" Dad questioned me while taking another bite of his newly bowl of birthday cake ice cream. "Well, I love Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Of Mice and Men, Paramore, Three Days Grace, etc. I'm more mainstream too. I still listen to some of today's stuff. I'm also all around with my taste in music, like 80's-90's and Rock. I love it all." I told Gee and he agreed with me on the whole all around genres thing. "Those are really great bands, I'll have to have you meet Patrick and Pete one of these days," then he laughed. "you would get along so great with those guys. Oh, and your Uncle Frank." I smiled at that, I act almost exactly like him it's weird but it's not like I'm meaning to, I'm just a sarcastic little shit, along with being sassy just like my father. Woah, I'm a frerard love child. Queue the fangirling squeal that comes out of my mouth. Dad looks at me like I'm crazy. "What the hell just came out of your mouth?" He laughed because I sounded like a dying squirrel. "I'm yours and Uncle Frank's love child!" I shout and laugh because he just looks at me and shakes his head. "Now I know you're a Frerard shipper," he looked shocked and a little creeped out all the same. "crazy fangirl. I love you." He finished saying after he took his last bite of ice cream. "Well duh, you guys are babes, how could you not ship it?" I asked him with the 'duh' tone not even blushing because I'm the type of girl who doesn't give a shit. "I know I won't have any trouble with you ever needing to talk to me about anything. You're so comfortable with it. But, I'm here if you need anything. So are Uncle Mikey, Frank, Ray, and Bob. We love you baby girl." I don't understand why people call them satanic. Gerard Way is possibly the most sweetest human being I have ever met. "Alright daddy, I love you guys so much then you can imagine," he sniggered and I playfully punched him. "but since my Uncles are going to be here in 10 hours, I'm going to bed, goodnight daddy. I love you Gerard. You will always be my father even if you aren't biologically." I spoke softly and went to bed.

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