I'll Make it Like Your Birthday Everyday

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[time frame: 4 years, April 8th, 2013]
"Maddie! Get down here, we're late!" I ran downstairs as fast as I could in my heels. I took them off and ran down the actual stairs. "I'm coming down dad, hold on!" I put my heels back on and walked out the door. "What do you mean we're late? Where are we even going?" I was totally confused, he made Frank and I dress up nice, and knowing Frank, all he wears is ripped jeans and weird shirts. "I'm not telling you! It's a surprise!" He kissed my cheek and made me get in the limo behind Frank. "Gee baby, seriously, where are we going? You didn't even tell me! That's not fair." Frank gave dad a pouty face so, dad leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Oh. Okay." Frank drew the 'oh' out, well at least he didn't give any signs of disapproval as to where so we are good! "I can't believe you made me dress up! Dad, I hate this dress. It's too short and there are no straps and ugh. You suck." Him and Frank picked this dress out for me, it was a little black dress in simple words. Just plain black, but even though I looked good in it, I still hated it. I was wearing my fishnet tights and my freaking high ass heels because Dad and Frank wouldn't let me wear my Converse damn it. "Shut up and stop complaining. I helped pick out that dress." Frank was teasing me, I hit him in the arm. Well, at least he's seeing Dad. I'm sure he'll be my dad soon and then we'll have to change my last name to Iero. Dad doesn't want it hyphenated to Iero-Way. He just wants it to be Iero. My hair was cascading down my shoulders in red curls. I recently colored my hair red along with Dad when he did his for Danger Days. It's the exact same color as his to be honest. Frank's is black still, but he grew it our for this era. Dad left his an inch higher than shoulder-length. Mine grew all the way to the middle of my back over these past years. "Mr. Way, we're here." Lou, our limo driver, spoke through the speaker. "Lou, what have I told you about calling me Gerard?" Gerard laughed and Lou did too. I loved Lou, she was like a sister to me. "Thanks Louise, but how come Dad told you and not me where we were going?" I asked her with no faith in anyone because apparently I couldn't be trusted with a surprise. "Get out and you'll find out why no one told you. Have fun Maddie, oh, and happy birthday!" She pulled a gift box out of her purse. It was a small box, like one you would put jewelry in. "Open it." She demanded and kept pestering until I did. I looked at Dad, he nodded. I opened it, I found gold hoop earrings in the box. "Lou, these are beautiful! Thank you, I appreciate it!" I hugged her, and put them on before getting out of the limo.

I look at the place we were at and gasped. It's my favorite place, it's Dad's old art studio. All of his work is in here, I love his work. "C'mon, I have something to show you." Dad took my hand and dragged me up the stairs with Frank ahead to unlock the door. I was stopped at the door, Dad stood behind me and concealed my eyes with his hands. "Walk forward 3 steps." He commanded and I followed. He uncovered my eyes and almost cried. "Dad, you shouldn't have," I had tears in my eyes. He repaired it and everything and made it my own recording studio. His art was still on the walls, thank god. "Daddy, I-" I tried talking but he cut me off and pushed me inside. "Happy birthday, baby girl. Your dad and I love you very much." Frank smiled at Gerard and I, then Frank got down on one knee. I knew this was gonna happen, I helped plan it but I didn't know it was gonna be here. "Gerard Arthur Way, I've been with you for 3 years, 4 months, 162 days, and 200 hours. I couldn't picture a more perfect life without you and Madison in it. I love you both so much and it would kill me if I lose the both of you, so I want to make it forever. I've loved you since we met. As soon as I took one look at you, you were it. You're the one. You always have been. You always will be. Hopefully," Dad and I laughed at that and I stood behind Frank holding my hands in front of my stomach and smiled at Dad. He had tears in his eyes, I know he would say yes to Frank. "you will say yes to forever with me. Gerard, will you please do the honors of becoming Gerard Iero for the rest of your life?" Gerard nodded and hugged Frank so tight I thought he was choking Frank. They kissed and hugged and pulled me over and hugged me. "Welcome to the family Daddy." I kissed Frank on the cheek and he picked me up and spun me around. "I'm never going to get used to hearing that." He laughed and I walked over to the booth. "Dad, a little help?" I yelled through the mic, Dad and Frank walked over to the soundboard and let me have at it. I didn't need music for this one, I wrote it myself. I wasn't sure how I wanted it to go. I started singing into the mic obviously but softly. "Don't tell me you don't want me, don't tell me you don't care. Baby, I can see it in your eyes, and there's nothing left to fear. Don't try and hide, don't hide that pretty face. Just think about the good things, and the plans that we could make. Tell me you don't want me, but don't pretend you do. Don't cause me any heartbreak, or what you could cause you too." "That sounds really good, let's work on it and give it a tune." I nodded and walked out of the booth. "Ready to go?" Frank asked me, I nodded and walked down to the limo. "Next place, yes Gerard?" Lou politely asked, "Yes please, Lou." She smiled at us and drove to the next place. It took a couple hours. We sat in the limo and played music, sang along, did whatever we could do until we got there. I got to stand in the sun roof, it was so beautiful. The sunset was a mix of pink, purple, a hint of blue, and orange. About 15 minutes later, we were at my favorite restaurant, Cheddar's. Cheddars' potato soup is amazing! We walked inside and got our table.

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