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back home.

In an ordinary seven-story old residential building, Si Huaixi lives on the top seven floors. It is also a rare place where the old city has not been renovated in the imperial capital. It takes an hour or two to go to the city center by car.

However, Si Huaixi is now poor, and he can only take the most energy-intensive and cheapest type of gasoline-driven bus, and a fast suspension car may arrive in ten minutes.

Si Huaixi's room only had some simple daily necessities and clothes. It was so clean that it didn't look like the age of interstellar technology.

The house is not big, but the light just fills the interior.

Si Huaixi put his hands on the balcony, and his sea blue eyes were happy and bright.

Looking at the bustling and lively city center in the distance, the tall buildings almost stand upright, the huge screen plays the advertising products endorsed by different stars, the high-tech hovering car shuttles in mid-air, and there are still other things above the sky. Spaceship flying over the planet.

Without the neighing of zombies in our ears, without the despair of opening our eyes every day and not knowing the future direction, this is the era of peace.

in the bathroom.

Si Huaixi took a bath, and the water flowed through the scratches on his back, bringing out the slightest pain.

Si Huaixi looked at his naked back reflected in the mirror, which was full of scratches from Pei Zhaozhou last night, and looked particularly hideous on a piece of cold white skin.

"Hey - search Brother Pei's hands are really strong." Si Huaixi sighed.

You must know that after Si Huaixi was promoted to a high-level spiritual power user, the toughness of his body's skin was so high that it would take some time for even the zombies to cut through his skin.

Si Huaixi's current body is also under the influence of his soul, and he is constantly moving closer to the appearance of his previous life.

including appearance.

The original owner was born in a remote garbage star, and his difficult life has made his appearance gloomy and sad. His facial features are very good-looking from a distance, but his skin is very rough when seen close up, and his hands are full of calluses left over from hard work. Like a tough cabbage growing hard in a rotten cabbage field.

Although the facial features are very similar, they give people a completely different style.

After the washing of Si Huaixi's mental power, the whole person was a few centimeters taller than before. Originally, he just stepped into the height of 1.8 meters, but now he is almost rushing to the height of 1.9 meters.

The rough facial features have been polished like a clean lead, the skin has become fair and smooth, and the crystal clear sea blue eyes are shining like a new poplar, giving people a feeling of vitality. .

However, this young poplar full of vitality is about to eat. Si Huaixi, who came to the interstellar peace era, happily cooks for the first time.

Looking at the many buttons in the kitchen, Si Huaixi fiddled for a while, and finally came up with a bowl of noodles.

The clear noodle soup has a few chopped green onions floating in it, the noodles are white and round, and the fried poached egg is just right. It tastes delicious no matter how you look at it.

As a result, Si Huaixi took the first mouthful of noodles, and the strange taste of the five flavors in the noodles almost made him think for a moment that he was returning to the end of the world.

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