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Pregnant? ? ?

How could he be an Alpha pregnant? !

Pei Zhaozhou asked in disbelief, "Doctor, are you sure you didn't get the wrong inspection report?"

Out of pity, the doctor, especially a pregnant Alpha pregnant man, read the medical report again, and until there was really no mistake, he lifted the spectacle frame and said solemnly: "No matter how many times you show Mr. Pei your HCG levels increased."

"What is the HCG index?" Pei Zhaozhou asked when he didn't understand.

Doctor: "The HCG index is human chorionic gonadotropin. Generally, this index increase is reflected in pregnant women. If the patient still doesn't believe it, you can go back and get a pregnancy test stick to test again."

Pei Zhaozhou's expression was complicated: "Then why is Alpha pregnant? I have never heard of Alpha being pregnant."

The doctor explained: "The general differentiation age is 12 to 20 years old. Before differentiation, regardless of whether the primary sexual characteristics are male or female, there are two sets of reproductive systems. If it differentiates into Alpha, the original reproductive system is used to reproduce offspring. The cavity shrinks, so it's rare for a male alpha to get pregnant."

"But there are exceptions. If a male Alpha's genital cavity is accidentally opened by his partner when his desire is high, it is also possible to get pregnant, but there are relatively few cases of Alpha pregnancy in the medical field."

Pei Zhaozhou's ears were hot, and he listened to the doctor's words with a sullen face. He didn't want to admit that he was the Alpha who was dazzled by desire that night, and who had to take the initiative to open his reproductive cavity.

It's good now, that kid Si Huaixi really got it right.

He is really pregnant!

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes were a little distressed, but looking at the words on the case confirming that he was pregnant, a kind of sweetness like a spring flooded his heart.

A new life will be born in his belly.

A little strange, and a little happy.

Since Pei Zhaozhou was diagnosed by the hospital for pheromone disorder, he was told by the doctor that he was infertile. He originally thought that he would never have his own offspring in his life, and was disheartened.

But now...

Pei Zhaozhou carefully caressed his stomach with his hands, the tough abdominal muscles on his fingertips haven't softened yet, so he couldn't tell that he was carrying a new life.

The amber-gold eyes suddenly softened, with a certain expectation in the eyes, like a melting snow mountain. The snow on the mountain met the warmth of the spring, and turned into cool streams, evoking a fresh air. The fields thawed from the winter have softened and become moistened soil.

Pei Zhaozhou thought firmly in his eyes: He wants to give birth to this little life!

But the doctor's words poured cold water on him: "Because Alpha's reproductive cavity is too narrow, it is a huge challenge for Alpha pregnant women to give birth. In the few Alpha birth cases, there have been difficulties in the production process of Alpha pregnant women. , causing the genital cavity to tear and hemorrhage, even if it is finally rescued, it will take a long time to recover after the operation."

The doctor persuaded earnestly: "But the patient has other diseases, and there has never been an Alpha pregnancy with pheromone disorder symptoms. This is a double risk, and it is also the first time in the history of medicine. As a doctor, I advise patients to think twice about whether to Giving birth to a fetus can be life-threatening."

Pei Zhaozhou's heart sank. After careful consideration, he was still reluctant to give up. He said sincerely to the doctor, "I will try my best to cooperate with the doctor. I still hope to give birth to this child."

The doctor's advice was fruitless, so he had to give Pei Zhaozhou a prescription for child care, full of precautions, and said with kindness: "I will contact the medical experts in this area, but I hope that the patient can talk to another biological father. Talking about it, the alpha pregnant pheromone is not enough to supply the needs of fetal development, and it has to be provided by another blood father."

Pei Zhaozhou held the medicine list, raised his eyes and asked, "How do you provide it?"

Doctor: "Skin contact, kissing, hugging, and marking are all fine. The best way is to have sex. Because the genital cavity of the Alpha pregnant woman is not fully developed, proper exercise with the spouse can reduce the genital cavity tearing that may be caused during childbirth. ."

Pei Zhaozhou's face turned red, but it was related to the little life in his belly, so he still endured his inner shyness and asked, "It's not good to do this kind of exercise during pregnancy."

Doctor: "It doesn't matter if Alpha is physically strong, as long as the first few months of pregnancy have passed, it doesn't matter if you follow the doctor's order to exercise properly."

Pei Zhaozhou: "Okay, thank you doctor."

Outside the ward door.

Si Huaixi waited for a long time on the chair beside him. Seeing that Pei Zhaozhou finally came out, he immediately stepped forward and asked with concern: "Brother Pei, how is the test result?"

Pei Zhaozhou looked extremely serious and nervous. The pregnancy checklist and the pregnancy checklist that he folded and put in his pocket, looked at Si Huaixi and said, "I have something very important to tell you."

Villain Alpha is Pregnant Where stories live. Discover now