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After the manager Li Zhuo ran away, he suddenly felt his stomach was bloated and uncomfortable, and there was a little pain in his stomach. He thought it was the stomach pain caused by running too hard all at once, and he didn't care much.

Si Huaixi casually glanced at the direction Li Zhuo was fleeing, his eyes were deep and ups and downs, he slowly retracted his gaze, and when he turned around, he saw that the reporter's search brother and the photographer's search brother had red eyes, and he was very sincere to him. Poor cut.

Si Huaixi touched his nose in a subtle mood.

...actually I'm really not that pitiful.

It seemed that the original owner's accelerated acting lessons in those few weeks were quite useful, and they were really moved to believe it unexpectedly, and Si Huaixi felt a touch of complexity and emotion in his heart.

There were still many good people in the peaceful era, but unfortunately the original owner had a bumpy life and was still a cannon fodder in the book. He failed to wait for the ending he deserved and left with regret.

There was a trace of sadness and coldness towards Li Zhuo in Si Huaixi's eyes.

Before leaving, the reporter's younger search brother also forced a business card for him, saying that if Jinhui Entertainment Company still does some shameful things, he must ask him for help, and don't stand it alone.

Si Huaixi accepted the business card and returned a sincere smile.

Reporter Qiu Cai clutched his thumping heart, and said with a blushing face: If it weren't for his primary or secondary sexual characteristics, he was a straight male Beta who was completely sexually oriented as a woman. I was almost blown away by that smile!

What a blue face!

Si Huaixi didn't know that his live video just now made him go on a hot search again, and Weilang's fans suddenly increased from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands. The power is great!

Back then, a photo could be popular all over the Internet, stealing the limelight for the protagonist Bai Huaiyu to join the hottest variety show, not to mention the two-minute interview video now!

Beauty crit!

Almost all the people who saw it were addicted to his moving eyes, the pure navy blue eyes fluctuated with their moods, changing from bewitching and bright blue to a touch of blue, and finally the pitiful clear eyes. Eyes hurt people's hearts miserably.

I can't wait to turn into King Zhou of Shang and make Daji smile.

The famous Lalang video site has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain of many CP clips of Si Huaixi and many stars.

Regardless of the 3721, it has become a CP anyway!

The famous top-notch Yan Han X Si Huaixi made a character of a heartless man and a poor beauty. Obviously, the two have nothing to do with each other. Anyway, when Yan Han turned to leave in the editing screen, Si Huaixi's delicate face was full of desire. Yuxiu didn't cry yet, silently watching the man leave ruthlessly.

It looks like a scumbag!

The netizens who were just watching Lalang's soundtrack were filled with righteous indignation by the poor eyes, rolled up their sleeves and posted a barrage of scumbags in the video!

All of a sudden, millions of views were scolded, and more netizens joined in to criticize the scumbag!

The manager of top-notch Yan Han suddenly found out that there was a super talk of #yanhan,scumbag#, and was so frightened that he almost broke the shit, thinking that his artist's romance was exposed, and he was also accused of being a scumbag. He almost thought it was going to be a big PR event!

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