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[Squat, squat, it's another day when Xixi is not open for business. 】

【@Si Huaixi V, hurry up and cancel the contract! 】

[Could it be that Xixi was refrigerated by revenge! 】

[Woooooo - don't, I finally found a top-notch face in the entertainment industry, I watched the CP video over and over, and the screen was licked up and reflective! Don't go-]

[Should it be a retreat? 】

【Fuck! Probably! 】


[Previously, the female artist from Xixi Tong’s company also quit the circle. That garbage entertainment company is just killing people. If Xixi doesn’t want to stay in a dirty place like the entertainment industry, it’s justifiable. 】

[So what about Si Huaixi's withdrawal from the circle? 】

[Maybe, otherwise, where did he go? 】

[Whether you have quit the circle or not, send some pictures to prove that you are still alive, even if you are not a star, it is good to be an internet celebrity! 】

The popularity of the entries of #思华西外传# and #sihuaixi disappeared# keeps rising, and it is about to hang on the tail of the hot search list. All kinds of conspiracy theories have come out, and netizens are all overwhelmed The miserable little star was very impressed and filled with righteous indignation to fight for him.

Everyone in the circle was surprised. This little star named Si Huaixi is so poisonous. One photo is on the hot search, and one video is on the hot search. Now the photos and videos are gone. ! !

Is it so easy to get hot searches these days? !

Originally, netizens were wailing, but this beautiful little star disappeared, and the iconic sea blue eyes made people even more excited, yearning and sad!

Such beautiful sea-blue eyes, if I hadn't checked the background of the little star, I would have thought they were from the noble bloodline of that place. After all, those noble existences can't be discussed. It's not that I can use this little star as a meal replacement, and I secretly fantasize about it. Pen!

Liang Antong is also one of them, squatting under Weibo every day, waiting eagerly for the news of the new wall. When he met Si Huaixi during the filming at Imperial College, he was so handsome! That beauty! In an instant, her Neptune Yangou's heart fell!

What's more, this new wall is so cold!

On the contrary, Liang Antong and the vast number of Yan Fans became more eager, frustrated, and unable to stop. They made them think day and night. Seeing the entry that Si Huaixi might have retired, their hearts were broken with grief!

Qiu Yi, as her best friend in a good room, watched Liang Antong watch Weilang after class, and went back to the dormitory to watch Weilang. Even after doing her homework, she sighed and watched Weilang with red eyes...

Qiu Yi really convinced this Yangou best friend, and she disliked it and said distressedly: "If this little star really quits the circle, there's nothing you can do."

Liang Antong's heart is not dead, and she is unwilling to say: "Xixi will not quit the circle, I even took a photo of him on the set before, no! I want to post it on the Internet!"

The photos of the crew are generally not allowed to be leaked. There was once an illegitimate fan who sneaked into the crew to secretly take vicious photos and had an improper relationship with the crew. Smearing the image of the crew caused huge losses of millions of Interstellar coins, and was also investigated by the government, causing the crew to panic. , In the end, because investors have withdrawn their capital one after another, a good drama will be scattered before it is finished.

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