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After Sun Shaomei was sent to the hospital, she received psychological counseling, and her parents accompanied her. After treatment by a psychiatrist, Sun Shaomei's mood became relatively stable.

A few days later, Si Huaixi went to the hospital to visit her, and somehow there were still many reporters squatting under the hospital.

Sun Shaomei's mental state looked much better, but when Si Huaixi was about to leave, he stuffed him with a voice recorder.

Sun Shaomei's eyes were red and she said with a smile, "I won't think about those stupid things anymore. Those people don't deserve my life. This time my mother came over and cried to death. I seemed to be lost on the roof at that time. Consciousness, fortunately I didn't take the last step. And Jinhui Entertainment probably thinks that I am a troublemaker, and has already taken the initiative to terminate the contract with me, and has not yet asked me for a high liquidated damages. Now there is a lot of uproar on the Internet, and I didn't expect me to quit the circle. It's ironic that it finally ushered in a hot search..."

Si Huaixi: "It's okay to retire, this circle is not suitable for you."

Sun Shaomei nodded: "Well, I'll never come again. But Li Zhuo, the villain, came to me privately once, and wanted to threaten me with private photos, so that I wouldn't tell the media about those dirty things. This time, I learned to be smart and recorded these words. But I don't want to care about these things anymore, I just want to get out of the circle peacefully, I'll give you this recorder."

Si Huaixi took the recording pen and said thank you.

Coincidentally, when Si Huaixi just walked out of the hospital, he saw that his manager Li Zhuo was being investigated by the police.

For a while, the Sun Shaomei affair was hotly hyped by the media. Whether it was a celebrity in the circle or fans of many celebrities, they were calling for attention to the mental health of the artist. In this incident, Jinhui Entertainment was even in the whirlpool of public opinion.

Under the coercion of public opinion, the police conducted a routine investigation of Jinhui Entertainment.

The agent, Li Zhuo, lowered his eyebrows to the police and said he was very cooperative with the police's investigation.

But Si Huaixi saw the cold light flashing in Li Zhuo's eyes secretly.

After the police left, the agent Li Zhuo saw Si Huaixi, and came over to say hello with a sneer: "Yo! Isn't it a coincidence, why did you come to visit? Is it because Sun Shaomei replaced you originally? What I want to do, I almost want to jump off the building, come here to repent to Sun Shaomei!"

Si Huaixi glanced at Li Zhuo lightly, with a look of contempt like a bedbug.

Agent Li Zhuo's fragile self-esteem immediately made him jump angrily: "What's your attitude? Believe it or not, I refrigerated you!"

Si Huaixi snorted coldly, "Then do it if you can."

Li Zhuo wanted to keep Si Huaixi in cold storage for a long time, but he was not the only one who made the decision. There were other threatening brokers who insinuated him in the Ming Dynasty to the boss that Li Zhuo would not cultivate talents, and wanted to make Si Huaixi a golden lump. dig away.

Since a photo of Si Huaixi became popular, although there were not many screenplay invitations, some fashion magazines and small advertisement endorsements kept looking for him one after another.

Li Zhuo also made a small amount of money by relying on the broker's commission. If he really wanted to refrigerate Si Huaixi, his crooked melons and cracked dates would not make as much money as Si Huaixi. unwilling.

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