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Honesty is a virtue celebrated by all, but for some it is a rotten poison.

"Second Lieutenant Edie, it's coming to the main star soon."


Edie Claude came back to his senses, his broken eyes still seemed to be covered with a layer of ash, his face was pale and bloodless, and he held a glass of red wine in his hand, and the rich wine smell permeated.

The subordinates could vaguely see the blood red on the inside of Lieutenant Idi's lips, which seemed to contain blood compared to those pale lips.

I muttered in my heart that it might be Lieutenant Edie drinking red wine.

Back to the main star.

The people of the empire and the media came one after another. The news that shocked the empire during this period was the hijacking of the K108 spacecraft, which not only caused a large number of casualties and property losses, but also directly led to the accidental death of Major General Pei, the current president of Blue Air Mecha Company. , and the innocent deaths of hundreds of army soldiers of the Empire.

The cause was just a simple star thief hijacking.

However, it exposed many military defense problems of the empire, which directly detonated the anger of the imperial people.

For a time all the Empire mourned for those who lost their lives in this incident, the flag was lowered, and the star net turned gray.

The family members of the fallen imperial soldiers held banners and stood under the scorching sun, waiting for the return of the imperial investigation team as soon as possible to give their children a fair answer.

When Edie Claude got off the spacecraft, he frowned subconsciously when he saw the noisy crowd. When the reporter brought the cameraman to interview, he changed his expression to a heavy and sad look.

The work cards of reporters and photographers bear the logo of Imperial Soundbird TV. This TV station is controlled by a certain old-fashioned aristocrat, and its name is also involved in various entertainment and political magazine companies. It has always controlled most of the public opinion in the empire. .

The live light is on.

The entire Empire Network can broadcast live simultaneously, and even TV stations are broadcasting this news interview.

The #K108 Hijacking Incident Investigation Team is back, and the truth will be revealed soon! #

After the title was typed, the popularity of the discussion continued to rise, and in a short while, the number of online live broadcasts reached 70 million.

As an experienced reporter, he looked at the interview manuscript in his hand with a very nervous expression. Holding a microphone, he walked arduously towards the interviewee, the main person in charge of the investigation team, Edie Claude.

"Excuse me, Lieutenant Edie, what did you find out about the K108 hijacking incident?"

Edie Crowder should have announced the fictitious "bad news" of the investigation results with a calm and depressed expression, but he said it deliriously.

"Investigation results? What's there to investigate."

The reporter's face froze, not to mention the family members of the victims who were eagerly waiting for the result.

Idi Claude's eyes panicked, realizing that he had said something wrong, and quickly made up: "No, I mean... I already knew the truth of the hijacking, and what is there to investigate."

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