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"Your Majesty, I seem to fall in love with you at first sight..."

Pei Zhaozhou's confession scared everyone present.

The black doctor Yi Chengze was so terrified that he couldn't close his chin. Who is His Majesty the King in front of him? ! The founding emperor who recaptured the Federation and Zerg like never before, and established the huge Blue Boat Empire! !

How could he confess to His Majesty the King so often? !

Yi Chengze began to think seriously, Pei Zhaozhou suffers from amnesia, isn't his brain really broken? ! Otherwise, how could he have done such a daring and terrifying confession to His Majesty the King that he almost had a cardiac arrest just now.

Yi Chengze had already planned to run away with Xiao Huangdou in his arms immediately.

Xiao Huangdou on the side widened her eyes in surprise, thinking that if Papa Pei really likes His Majesty the King, then she will also... work hard to bless, woo woo woo...

I have pity for the other scoop in her little yellow duck's schoolbag. It seems that the ostrich of the other scoop is lonely, but it doesn't matter that there is little soybean to accompany her!

But now Xiao Huangdou was crying silently, and stuffed another scoop of annoyance into the deepest part of Xiao Huangya's schoolbag.

I made a wish in my heart that if the two fathers are not together, I hope they can be happy and Xiao Huangdou can take care of himself.

Pei Zhaozhou seemed to be unaware of the sensation he caused, and his pure amber gold eyes were still looking directly at Si Huaixi, his warm and frank gaze seemed to pass through Si Huaixi's mask, trying to see his appearance. Clearly.

Si Huaixi was stunned for a moment, and slowly the face under the mask flushed, not shy, but angry.

On the surface, the boss Huaixi's eyes were deep and indifferent, and he held his hands on the desk. In fact, the blue veins on the back of his hands were taut. He smiled and said, "Dad Xiao Huangdou, are you kidding me..."

Pei Zhaozhou opened his pupils slightly, looking at the majestic and cold His Majesty the King in front of him, and the man with sea-blue eyes in his memory...

Different, totally different.

His Majesty the King is like icy sea water. Aside from the ice on the sea, the deepest part is like the abyss that freezes people's hearts. His deep eyes are looking at him with cold contempt.

But it was quite fishy in my memory, to be precise, Pu Yanzhang was tall and white, and he should have a handsome little white face, whenever he looked at him with those clear and warm sea blue eyes. , like knocking open his heart with a small hammer.

It made Pei Zhaozhou feel soft-hearted and let him ask for it.

But it seems to be a real white face. Pei Zhaozhou vaguely remembers signing a maintenance contract with him, but it is strange that there are still many pictures of him driving mechas in his memory.

In short.

He is very good, although a little shorter than the current His Majesty the King, but more lovely than the serious and indifferent His Majesty the King.

Pei Zhaozhou still remembered that he would cook delicious meals. When he kissed him, a magnetic laughter echoed in his ears. When he was hugging him, he was sticky and clinging like a golden retriever. When he was angry, his relatives were very fierce...

Pei Zhaozhou's eyes flashed a dazed sadness.

- He misses him, why doesn't he show up, isn't he the canary that he kept? Why did it suddenly fly like a bird without a trace?

—Why did he see his shadow from His Majesty the King?

Pei Zhaozhou covered his face, and his amber-gold eyes were full of doubts. He wanted to get close to the person in front of him, just like the one in his memory, but the person in front of him was the solemn and indifferent His Majesty the King...

This strange longing made him a little at a loss.

Pei Zhaozhou suddenly wanted to know the appearance of the flutter, but his memory was blurred, and the more he thought about it, the more his head hurt. In the end, Pei Zhaozhou frowned in pain, cold sweat oozes from his forehead, and his thin lips were slightly pale.

Si Huaixi frowned as he watched the fluffy puppet flashing at his ankles, obviously just to expose his brazenness and want to seduce him in front of the child, but he looked weak and pale.

With a similar appearance to Brother Pei, and the pair of amber golden eyes that flashed with pain, it made him feel uncomfortable.

Si Huaixi suddenly thought that Xiao Huangdou's other job aspirations had faded away, and her wife, Zilu, and Yaoyuan, had been killed by peony ginseng and strontium.

In this way, this man who looks similar to the coal group is really pitiful...

Poor is pitiful, but Si Huaixi is not going to accept it.

Si Huaixi lowered her voice and said mercilessly: "Don't let me hear what I said a second time. You can leave the palace by yourself. Xiao Huangdou stays in the palace these days for me to teach, and I will take good care of her."

Hearing that the young daughter he had just found was going to leave his side, Pei Zhaozhou couldn't think about anything else, and immediately objected: "No, she is too young and needs someone to take care of her, so she can't leave me."

Si Huaixi's eyes remained the same, and she said coldly and dignifiedly: "You must be aware of Xiao Huangdou's special ability. This ability is a double-edged sword for her, and if she is not careful, she will be impure. people use it.”

The black doctor with an impure mind retreated in a guilty conscience, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

Xiao Huangdou, who was on the side, heard Yi Chengze's heartfelt voice, and saw that this Ping Dimu raised a swamp, and now someone was supporting her, and poked Yi Chengze's back triumphantly.

With a little devilish smile.

Xiao Huangdou said in a low voice, "I don't want me to complain to His Majesty the King, so just listen to me in the future!"

Yi Chengze showed an expression of anger and refusal to speak.

Si Huaixi continued: "I will teach her how to control this spiritual power while staying in the palace, and only I can teach her."

Pei Zhaozhou hesitated for a while. He knew about Xiao Huangdou's special abilities through surveillance video. He was worried that Xiao Huangdou was so small that using these special abilities would not be good for his health. Qiang good things.

But Pei Zhaozhou was still worried that Xiao Huangdou would be forced into the mess.

Pei Zhaozhou looked at Si Huaixi seriously and said, "Yes, but as Xiao Huangdou's father, I have to stay with her in the palace."

Si Huaixi laughed sarcastically, feeling that this Ping Yizheng didn't stay in the palace to seduce him, and the pitiful appearance just now was faked.

Si Huaixi said coldly, "Whatever you want, but you are not allowed to approach my bedroom."

Pei Zhaozhou felt humiliated, his heart tightened, and he pursed his lips and said, "I will never, Your Majesty."

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