Catagories of Shirk

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Tawheed and Shirk are the two subjects that is covered with outmost importance in both Quran and Sunnah. Therefore, from the study of Quran and Sunnah, it has become more and more clear to the scholars of Islam that, some acts of Shirk throws a person out of the religion's fold while other acts of Shirk may not do the same. From this, the scholars deducted that Shirk is of two kinds:

1. Major Shirk (الشرك الأكبر);
2. Minor Shirk (الشرك الأصغر)

What is Major Shirk (الشرك الأكبر)? What is Minor Shirk (الشرك الأصغر)? I will be dedicating whole chapters answering these questions, if Allah wills. But for now, we should just know that, Major Shirk (الشرك الأكبر) takes people out of the fold of Islam but Minor Shirk (الشرك الأصغر) doesn't. Minor Shirk is also Shirk but it hasn't reached the level of major Shirk.

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