Minor Shirk (الشرك الأصغر)

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Minor Shirk (الشرك الأصغر) are those acts that doesn't expel a person from the religion but indeed makes his belief faulty and ruins his Tawheed. If any minor Shirk is mixed with a good deed, then the good deed is nullified but unlike major Shirk, minor Shirk doesn't nullify a persons lifetime good deeds. Any muslim who dies in a state of minor Shirk ends up in hell and after recieving punishment there, he recieves mercy of his Lord. The continuation of minor Shirk (الشرك الأصغر) ends up in major Shirk (الشرك الأكبر). Even though minor Shirk hasn't reached the level of major Shirk (meaning, minor Shirk doesn't take a person out of the bounds of Islam), it still is the greatest sin in Islam. Therefore, a muslim must stay away from such heinous acts. 'Ar Riyaa' (showing off), swearing by anyone other than Allah without reaching the level of worship, and the statement: "I have no one except Allah and you," and "I trust upon Allah and you," and many more are examples of minor Shikr (الشرك الأصغر). In Sheikh Abdul Qadir Muhammad Atta sufiy's book (may Allah accept his work) "كتاب المفيد في مهمات التوحيد", a very short but profound description of minor Shirk is found:

يقول الشيخ عبد الرحمن بن سعدي رحمه الله: وأما الشرك الأصغر؛ فهو جميع الأقوال والأفعال التي يتوسل بها إلى الشرك؛ كالغلو في المخلوق الذي لا يبلغ رتبة العبادة؛ كالحلف بغير الله، وكيسير الرياء، ونحو ذلك٢

Sheikh Abdur Rahman Bin Saadi' (may Allah have mercy on his soul) said, "as for minor Shirk, it is every speech or action by which one begs for Shirk (takes a step towards major Shirk). For instance, exaggerating a creations status even though it doesn't reach the level of veneration. Like, swearing by other than Allah and finding comfort in showing off and so on."

From the detail study of minor Shirk, the scholars have derived that it is of two types:

1. Hidden Shirk (الشرك الخفي)
2. Apparent (clear) Shirk (الشرك الجلي)

Hidden Shirk (الشرك الخفي): This catagory is related to ones intention, will and desires. 'Ar Riyaa' is the best example of hidden Shirk. 'Ar Riyaa' means to show off. By 'Ar Riyaa', it is meant that a person doing a worship initially intends to please Allah but the evil desire of being seen or heard overwhelms him and he starts performing worship in order to get praised. This is a minor Shirk which is also called hidden Shirk. The reason it is called 'hidden' is because no one can warn the person of Shirk. Only Allah and the person knows that he is committing Shirk. The audience do not know the matters of heart. When a person beautifies his prayer, recitation of the Quran in front of people to gain their praise alongside pleasing Allah or when a person gives charity to please Allah but gives more when people are around him so that he may be known as 'Generous', then this person is committing a hidden Shirk. If a person intends to please Allah but there are some worldly intentions mixed with it, then this is hidden Shirk (الشرك الخفي).

Apparent Shirk (الشرك الجلي): This type of minor Shirk is committed by either speech or action, making it apparent to the eyes and ears of the people. So, when a person commits this type of Shirk, the people around him can notice it and warn him about it. This is not hidden to the the people. Swearing by other than Allah without the intention of associating that being to Allah in worship is one example of the apparent Shirk. Moreover, speeches like " If Allah and you grant it." or "Allah and you can save us" or "If not for Allah and you, I would be doomed." are examples of apparent Shirk (الشرك الجلي).

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