Major Shirk (الشرك الأكبر)

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Major Shirk (الشرك الأكبر) are those acts that expels a person from the religion, nullifies all his previous good deeds and the man who dies in a state of major Shirk (الشرك الأكبر) suffers in hell for eternity and recieves no mercy or forgiveness from his Lord. This to me is the best way to define major Shirk (الشرك الأكبر). Dedicating any form of worship to any being other than Allah (invoking the dead or prostrating to the graves of saints), to sacrifice in the name of any being other than Allah, to think that Allah has partners in his actions (like the modern Christian society believes in 'Trinity'), to think any other being is incharge of life and death besides Allah, to believe that any other being shares the same qualities as Allah or to make a picture or statue of Allah, etc. are some of the prime examples of major Shirk (الشرك الأكبر). From this we can say that, major Shirk can be committed in one of the three ways. A person may commit Shirk in-

1. Lordship (الشرك في الربوبية);
2. Worship (الشرك في الألوهية) ;
3. Names and Attributes (الشرك في الأسماء و الصفات).

Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Jahangir (may Allah have mercy on his soul) in his book "العقيدة الإسلامية قي ضوء القرآن و السنة" views it the same way and other scholars share this opinion as well.

(Shirk in Allah's Lordship) الشرك في الربوبية:

This catagory refers to associating any being to Allah in His Divine actions. To believe that there is a being except Allah who has any part in the creation and maintainance of the universe is Shirk in Allah's Lordship. Similarly, believing that any being but Allah can provide for the creation, truly benefit or harm any creation, give guidence, have authority over a creations life and death and in between is also Shirk in His Lordship. In short, believing anyone other than Allah to be 'Ar- Rabb' (الرَّبّ) is Shirk in Allah's Lordship.

(Shirk in worship) الشرك قي الألوهية:

It is to believe that any being in existence has any right to be worshipped except Allah and to put this believe in action. Absolute devotion to any other being but Allah falls under this type of Shirk. If one shows his helplessness and relies on any other being than Allah for his salvation, then he commits the Shirk in worship.

(Shirk in Allah's 'Names' and 'Attributes') الشرك الأسماء و الصفات:

This refers to believing that any creation shares the Divine names of Allah and has equal qualities as Allah. Believing that Allah shows any resemblance to any of the creation or believing that any creation has reached any of his quality is an example of this catagory.

To specify further, the scholars of Islam has divided major Shirk (الشرك الأكبر) in four particular sections. Sheikh Abdul Aziz At  Tarefi's (may Allah make him steadfast)  commentary of "نَوَاقِـضُ الإِسْلَامِ", originally written by Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab (may Allah have mercy on his soul) and the scholars of Medinah Islamic University in their combined work under the title "أصول الإيمان قي ضوء الكتاب والسنة" and many other writes that-

Major Shirk is of four types: Shirk in 'Dua', Shirk in 'Intention', Shirk in 'Obedience', Shirk in 'Love'.

Shirk in 'Dua': The Prophet (ﷺ) said : "الدعاء هو العبادة" meaning "Dua is 'Ibaadah (worship)." This reliable Hadith proves that, making Dua is worship and therefore, it is a duty to dedicate it to only Allah. Anyone who dedicates Dua to other than Allah has committed major Shirk. Nowadays, people tend to make Dua and dedicate it to the Prophet, like they say, "O Prophet, grant me such and such." or " O Prophet, give light in my heart." Some has stoop to the level that they dedicate Dua to the companions of Prophet, saints, angels and even the dead. One of the common phrase that we hear is "O Ali, help us." Some make Dua to their dead parents, like "O father, bless me and my family and watch over us." Many people in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and in other regions call upon the saints like one calls upon Allah. All these acts are from major Shirk and we must stay away from them.

Shirk in 'Intention': If a person does something with the initial intention to show off or to gain something materialistic and had no will to please Allah in his heart, then this is Shirk in 'Intention'. Sheikh Al Wasaabee (may Allah have mercy on his soul) in his explanation of القول المفيد في أدلة" التوحيد" says :

"If a person gives in charity, and his only intent is to show off to the people, and to be heard about amongst the people, and he does not seek in any way the pleasure of Allah, so does it purely and solely for the people, then this is major Shirk.This is because he is worshipping the creation and not worshipping Allah."

Shirk in 'Obedience': If a person believes that anyone has the right to change the Divine Law of Allah, then he is committing Shirk in 'Obedience'.It is to say that, if one believes that any creation has a say in what is Halal and what is Haram, and obeys him/it like one should obey Allah then this is Shirk in 'Obedience'. Basically, Obeying someone to the level that disobeying Allah feels justified is Shirk in 'Obedience'. In short, establishing any equal to Allah in obedience falls under this catagory.

Shirk in 'love': This catagory refers to loving someone more than Allah or loving someone in a similar manner that they love Allah. By 'love', it is meant that, one puts Allah above all and submits to Him respectfully with no doubt in heart and humbles himself completely and turns to Allah in expectations of mercy.

Warning: I mentioned Sheikh Abdul Aziz At Tareyfi in this chapter, but he is questionable and weak.We do not refer back to him. I did not make a reference to him as an evidence rather I referenced the book which was originially written by Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab, the part I mentioned is Sahih and no scholar has ever opposed to it as far as I can remember.

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